5 Reasons Why You Should Not Postpone Vet Visits for Your Cat

Posted by The Cat Hospital of Kamloops on April 13th, 2021

Just like humans, cats also need regular check-ups and visits to Kamloops veterinarians. You might think that your cat doesn’t need to go to the vet because he’s doing fine but you will be surprised how many things you will learn about your cat’s health when you go to veterinarians in Kamloops.

Here are the compelling reasons why you should not skip or postpone going to Kamloops veterinarians for your cats:

Cats don’t age just like humans do.

You postpone your cat’s visit to veterinarians in Kamloops for a year because you think that next year, your cat is pretty much in the same condition. The thing about animals, cats in particular, is that they age much faster. A 1-year-old cat is the same as a 15-year-old human. If you wait until your cat has turned 2 years old to visit a vet, your cat may already be 24 years old in human age. So many things can happen to your cat’s health during that year you did not visit your vet.

Cats don’t often show when they are in pain.

Unlike other animals that might grunt or whine when they are in pain, cats are usually silent sufferers. They are known for their abilities in hiding pain. Your cat could be showing signs of lethargy that you mistake as being lazy but he might already be suffering from pain.

It’s good to take your cat to a vet such as The Cat Hospital of Kamloops to fully understand your cat’s health. If there are illnesses that are starting to show up, you could get the treatments needed before these illnesses worsen.

You will know if your cat is overweight.

Did you know that about 50% of indoor cats are overweight? Most of their owners just think their cats are fluffy but obesity is a real problem that can put your cat at risk of a variety of health issues such as diabetes, heart problems, and kidney disease.

You can prevent these health problems from occurring if you only have an idea about your cat’s weight.

You can save a lot of money.

One reason why some pet owners neglect getting an annual check-up for their cats is that they want to save money. Preventive treatment is much less expensive than reactive treatment.

Find a vet that you will be comfortable with. Not all vets offer the same level and range of services. You can do your research and look for reputable clinics that offer complete services and treatments such as The Cat Hospital of Kamloops. That way, you won’t think twice about taking your cat for a regular check-up and every visit will be worth it.

Adam Carey is the author of this article. For more details about Kamloops Veterinary Clinic please visit our website: thecathospital.ca

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The Cat Hospital of Kamloops

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The Cat Hospital of Kamloops
Joined: April 23rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 14

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