Top Tips in Getting Your Children Drink More Water Each Day

Posted by johnpreston on July 11th, 2015

Water is crucial for children’s health. Some third world countries even have to rely on water purification tablets to gain access to clean water. Free of calories, additives, preservatives and unhealthy fats and sugar, water hydrates completely than any other beverage. Amid the heavy supply of clean water, however, some parents find it difficult to encourage their kids to guzzle on it. Most kids prefer flavourful beverages which, if checked, contain high amount of sugar and additives--- and this could mean constipation and urinary tract infection. To ensure that your child get at least his minimum requirement of 8 glasses a day, here are a few tips and tricks to live by.  

Availability is the Key

Children are always distracted with play. They often forget their thirst for other fun stuff. Always be on the lookout for telltale signs that he is thirsty. Sweating is a good sign that his body will need replenishment to rehydrate. Always have a clean water bottle handy anytime anywhere. Whether you are having fun in the part, travelling somewhere, grocery shopping, in school, or playing in the backyard, a ready supply of water will definitely be a plus.  Keep in mind though that most kids easily disregard their thirst for something more interesting. Make sure to insist that he takes a sip. Sometimes, he only realizes being thirsty after water touches his lips.

Add Some Fun

Using a straw for drinking may lure your child to drink more. Some would love to put ice in their cup totally amazed by how these cubes melt. Some are just plain difficult and need a nudge. This is where all-natural water enhancers come in. To entice his taste buds, True Lemon hydration mixes are as pure as water sans the bland flavor.  Aside from lemon, other flavors like orange, lime, raspberry, and grapefruit can also be added to give your active tot or picky teeny-booper a boost. You may also introduce a water drinking game every now and then and, with the first one to drink up his water will get a reward.

Personalized Water Container

Toddlers and teenage children have this “all-mine!” attitude.  A “personalized” water bottle might do the trick. Have them pick out their own special bottle online. Eco-friendly BPA-free brands like Elua can be easily looked up online. This is also an efficient strategy to make your active teen remember drinking up the recommended volume of water when out and about. Feel free to add all-natural Skratch Labs hydration mixes for those weekend jaunts, sports activities, and other days where heavy action is required.  Kids and young teens easily get dehydrated due to their super-active lifestyle. It is important to always keep them hydrated so their internal organs function efficiently and to encourage healthy blood circulation.

Limit Drinking Options

Always ensure that you only have a few drinking options for your kids at home—and these should all be all-natural. Water, milk, and natural juices like True Lemon should be on top of your kitchen shelf.  

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