The Painted House (WE HAVE BEEN What Our Subconscious Makes Us)

Posted by North Helbo on April 22nd, 2021

What we put into our subconscious and our spirit, we are. That is the concept of the house that is already painted before we've painted it, in the event that you get what I mean. We have been spirits and minds with bodies, we have been not our bodies. We have been mostly subconscious, not the other way around. Cranford painters When I think of the concept, I believe of the perception of the tip of the iceberg "thinking" that it leads the iceberg, once the bottom of the iceberg does all the real movements of the total iceberg miles down in the sea. Reality is not only what we see, a great deal of programming goes into it, just like the strokes of a house being painted painting a whole house. That boils down to the fact that we are spirits with bodies with minds seemingly driving the bodies, once the spirit drives it all. After all, the house of existence is painted with reality or the other way around if you need to look at it this way. Either way, it is all predestined in so many ways, it isn't funny or even interesting. This is a given, really. Now, in a way I could be saying that the past is really a "wall exhibit" in heaven or hell since it has recently happened and been implanted in memory (that's also what I mean by "the painted house" also), but, here is where change happens, only the future and the present could be changed if we genuinely and productively remember the mistakes of the past and correct them, or repaint the home, or paint on the "graffiti", mistakes or do "a total painting over". The past remains in a sense, however the paint job does change things when it is a genuine correction. Indeed, reality is our paint job, it might either be cheap "Earl Scheib" or expensive "Maaco", but always it really is our paint job, and the sum of the what we have done to it, inside it, and with it. The truth is always in progress, though, and it is the sum of the our virtues and mistakes. Most of us do not just live in reality, the spirit of it all is that we are ultimately reality. All work done comes from within, not without, as all reality is within and not without. What do you consider that Emerald Tablet really meant, that has been the ultimate "house painting job": As within, so without. As without, so within.

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North Helbo

About the Author

North Helbo
Joined: April 22nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 1