Shema Yisrael - How come This Jewish Prayer So Famous?

Posted by Midtgaard Vilstrup on April 22nd, 2021

Shema Yisrael may be the most renowned prayer in Judaism. Every Jewish person knows the words of the sacred prayer. Many conservative Jews around the globe recite the prayer twice each day. Others say these sacred words at difficult moments or dramatic situations, if they seek for God's protection. In this prayer, the believer turns directly to God and asks Him to listen to their prayer. In the last decades, Shema Yisrael has become a prominent sign of Jewish identity. Why? The prayer Shema Yisrael is the foundation of the Jewish faith - the belief in one God. The prayer is mostly known by its first verse that proclaims: "Hear, O Israel: god, the father is our God, god, the father is One". Shema is used by extension to make reference to the entire version of the prayer. get more info is comprised by three paragraphs from the Torah: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21, and Numbers 15:37-41. In these psalms, we are commanded to state Shema twice a day - before sunrise and soon after nightfall. We are also commanded to jot down Shema Yisrael on a scroll and to affix to our door-posts, that is affixing a mezuzah. In the psalms that comprise the prayer, we have been also commanded to love God with our whole being:"And thou shalt love god, the father thy God with all thy heart, sufficient reason for all thy soul, and with all thy might". Several scholars have argued that this may be the true meaning and power of the prayer. The Talmud tells a remarkable story about the great Tzadik (a righteous man) called Rabbi Akiva Ben Yoseph, who lived in the next century. Rabbi Akiva who was prosecuted for his faith, was imprisoned by Tyrannus Rufus. Rabi Akiva was painfully tortured: his flesh was slowly being torn with iron tools. Regardless of the torments, Rabbi Akiva was reciting his prayers calmly. His tormentor were convinced he was a sorcerer since he seemed to be feeling no pain. Rabbi Akiva died on the Atonement Day reciting the Shema along with his last breath. Based on the story, his last word was Echad - One in Hebrew. During the Holocaust, hundreds of thousands of Jews who have been killed by the Nazis, were calling out the words of Shema Yisrael right before they died. This gesture demonstrates the core message of the prayer - having faith in God in the most tragic circumstances, and recognizing that the God who brings the good, also brings the bad The heartbreaking images of the Jews who called Shema Yisrael right before they were murdered by the Nazis have imprinted its mark in the Jewish collective memory. Since then Shema Yisrael is among the most most recognizable prayer of Jewish identity.

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Midtgaard Vilstrup

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Midtgaard Vilstrup
Joined: April 22nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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