What Are The Basics of YouTube Video SEO?

Posted by Anna Paquin on May 20th, 2021

 Marketers were finding that they couldn't just post a lot of content; it had to be high-quality and tailored in ways that would make it as search-engine-friendly as possible. YouTube SEO services will instruct you to rename your video with a target keyword. 

You'll use an SEO tool to first find keywords you'd like your video to focus on, just as you would when optimizing written content. You can also take your time to browse YouTube video SEO services to assist you during the process. 

One of the first items that our eyes are drawn to when searching for videos is the description. Since the title is always what decides whether or not a viewer can choose to watch the video, it must be both enticing and straightforward and concise.

First and foremost: The official character cap for YouTube video descriptions is 1,000 characters, according to Google. Although it's fine to fill up all of that room, keep in mind that your audience is most likely here to see a video, not read an article.

If you should decide to write a longer summary, bear in mind that YouTube only shows the first two to three lines of text (roughly 100 characters). Following that, viewers must press "display more" to see the whole definition. As a result, we recommend starting the summary with the most important material, such as CTAs or important connections.

To let audiences know what the video is for, YouTube's official Creator Academy recommends using tags. However, you're not only reminding the audience; you're also informing YouTube. The platform uses tags "to understand the content and meaning of your post," according to Dean.

After you've uploaded a video, go to "Advanced settings" and categorize it. Choosing a category on YouTube is another way to associate the video with related videos so that it appears in various playlists and is used by more people who share your interests.

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Anna Paquin

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Anna Paquin
Joined: May 11th, 2021
Articles Posted: 47

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