Ayurveda Hair Loss Cure ? Naturally

Posted by Uma on October 1st, 2015

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine based on science and scientific knowledge which originated in India 5,000 years ago. It regained popularity when doctors were faced with the limitations of modern medicine. Ayurveda is an invaluable resource for many homemade remedies for hair loss. Here is a look at some of these solutions:

Amla Oil

Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, amla oil is a well-loved remedy used to treat hair loss in India. Amla, or Indian gooseberry, has antifungal and antibacterial properties that keep the scalp in good health. It also prevents the loss of melanin and thus prevents premature greying. Take 250 ml of coconut or sesame oil. Wash 100gms of amla and dry it. Once dry, remove the seeds and immerse the dry fruit into the oil. Keep the mixture in an airtight container for 15 days. Once the oil changes colour and becomes black, strain it and store for future use. Apply this oil into the scalp and the hair daily. Wait for 30 minutes before washing off with an herbal shampoo. To get faster results, eat three fresh or dry fruits every day as the fruit provides the vitamins for hair growth. Regular application not only stops hair loss but also prevents premature greying and adds lustre to the hair.

Rosemary Oil

Hair loss in women can be controlled with rosemary oil. Rosemary oil stimulates follicle growth and nourishes the scalp. Regular use slows down hair loss by strengthening the hair. Mix a few drops of rosemary oil with 15 ml of either virgin coconut oil or olive oil. Massage into the scalp and leave for 20 minutes before washing off. You may even add a couple drops of rosemary oil to your shampoo. Use twice a week and, in a couple of weeks, you should be able to notice a difference in your hair.

Aloe vera

Called the ‘plant of immortality’ by the Egyptians, aloe vera can provide natural solutions for hair loss. Aloe vera is filled with ample nourishment, as it packs 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active enzymes. Not only does aloe vera remove dead cells from the scalp but it also balances the pH level of the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Drink 10 ml of Aloe vera juice twice daily and enjoy the multiple therapeutic benefits it provides. You can also take two spoons of aloe vera gel and mix it with ½ spoon of lemon juice and three drops of rosemary oil. Use this mixture as a conditioner to be applied after shampooing and rinse out after 5 minutes.


Ashwagandha is one of the most widely used herbs in Ayurveda and is employed as a growth stimulator, immune booster, adaptogenic and anxiolytic agent. Ayurvedic physicians in India have prescribed the herb for building up a strong constitution, the lack of which they believe leads to hair loss.

Vitamins for hair growth

Consumption of certain foods and vegetables can also be a hair loss cure. Moringa leaves and fruits, amla, carrots, honey, lemon, aloe vera, sprouts, yeast and buttermilk are some of the foods that should be on your menu. Filled with vitamins A, B complex and C, these foods are essential when it comes to your hair.

Bhringaraaja (Eclipta prostrata)

Ayurveda considers Bhringaraaja the best remedy for hair loss. It reduces vata by calming pitta. It is a natural conditioner, acts as a coolant and imparts a natural colour to the hair. Make great hair oil by heating 250 ml of coconut oil with about 20 leaves. Allow it to cool and store in an airtight glass bottle. Apply the oil to the scalp for 30 minutes and then wash your hair. You can also dry the leaves, take 25 gm of the powdered leaves and mix it with 100 gm of green gram flour. Take 3 tablespoons of this mixture and make a light paste with fresh milk. Apply this paste to the scalp for about 15 minutes before washing off. Follow this procedure at least twice a week. Within a month, you should feel the results.

Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Henna is a traditional dye used in temporary tattooing. Ayurvedic physicians have long used the leaves of this plant to control hair loss. Henna not only imparts a natural colour to the hair but also makes it strong by ensuring that the moisture is not lost. It also cures dandruff and keeps the scalp clean. Ayurveda recommends mixing henna leaves and mustard oil in a 1:4 proportion and heating the mustard oil until the leaves are charred. Allow the oil to cool down and keep for two days. Strain the oil into a glass bottle and massage the oil into the scalp daily.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

This spice from India does more than add flavour to food. It also helps in loss of libido and in diabetes. The herb is also used as a traditional cosmetic in hair care. It contains protein, vitamin C, iron, potassium, nicotinic acid and lecithin. Potassium helps the hair to retain its natural colour, nicotinic acid promotes hair growth, while lecithin nourishes and strengthens hair follicles. Take about 30 gm of fenugreek seeds and grind them with water to yield a paste. Apply this paste to the scalp regularly for a month to control hair loss.

According to Ayurveda, hair loss is due to the imbalance of the tridoshas. Here, the pitta dosha dominates the vata and kapha dosha. To control hair loss, it is imperative to balance the doshas, which can be accomplished using medications, meditation, yoga and proper diet. The practice of Sarvangasana, an asana in yoga wherein one rests on the head with the feet up in the air is also recommended (under the guidance of a trained master), as it stimulates blood flow into the head and scalp.

About The Author:

This article is written by Maya Menon. Maya Menon is the Director of Marketing & PR, Uma Oils. Uma Oils is one of the best company that provides 100% natural & organic luxury skincare and wellness oils. These oils are grown, extracted, formulated and bottled entirely at a lush family estate in India. They carefully inspect every harvest, and handcraft our oils in small batches. They aim to transform skin and overall wellbeing with these oils as distinctive as the women who wear them.

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