Using a Horoscope

Posted by Reilly Gray on May 23rd, 2021

A horoscope is simply an astrological chart or map reflecting the positions of the Sun, Mercury, planets, vital signs and other equally important alert angles at the precise time of an occurrence, for example the moment of a human's birth. The term horoscope comes from the Greek words urns (plural of arthroscope) and Strategos (singular of Strategia). In ancient times horoscopes were regularly used to predict important dates, events and figures. Horoscopes were even used to chart journeys and navigation. ทำนายฝัน provided information about relationships between people and were popular in medicine and science. Horoscopes and navigation went hand in hand and for many hundreds of years astrology was one of the major fields of study not only in Europe but also in the Asian countries that had trade connections with Europe.

Horoscopes are based on a model which is a combination of physical science, mathematics and astrology. A basic model of a horoscope makes use of four primary angles, which are also known as the celestial coordinate system. These are the orbital period of the Sun; the solar radius; the planets' orbital periods and the primary orbit of each planet. Planet placement is also taken into consideration in determining these angles. Also taken into account are the Zodiac signs, which also differ by sign and the Moon's position in the sky at each point in its orbit.

The first part of a horoscope, which describes the primary angles and the planetary alignment is called the ecliptic chart. This chart describes the primary angles by calculating the ecliptic angle which is the angle formed by the Sun's orbit about the node of the earth. This calculation is complicated by the presence of other objects like the orbital period of the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth, the node's tilt and the existence of other gravitational influences. The ecliptic map shows the exact position of the nodes at different stages of the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth's orbit around the sun. The horoscope uses this information to depict the location of the nodes and the direction of each planet's orbit.

The second part of a horoscope, which describes the relationships between the planets and the stars is called the epicycle. The epicycle describes the relationship between the fixed celestial coordinate system and the terrestrial one. By finding the orbital period of each planet through the ecliptic map, an accurate estimation can be made of the semi-annual mean plane through which the planets move. The position of the planets and the relative positions of the stars can be determined by use of an epicycle chart and this helps us understand the relationship between the planets and the other heavenly bodies. It is also used to help us understand more clearly the effects of gravity and the solar wind on the motion of the planets and the stars.

The third section of an astrology chart is termed the ramifications. Ramifications are the extra effects that a successful placement of the planets and star systems through their conjunctions and oppositions has on the earth's surface. These effects can be caused by the effects of gravitational pulls. For example the moon can cause tides, clouds, rain and winds. They may affect the intensity and longevity of various seasonal weather patterns. All these effects can be accounted for by astrologers by calculating the correct distance from the Sun through the semi-annual mean plane by use of carefully calculated epicycles and quadratic equations.

A horoscope incorporates many smaller aspects into a complete astrological chart and these are called aeirithms. An aeirithm is a combination of factors which have an effect on the earth's surface. This includes such things as the orientation of the tilt, the effects of the inner planets to that of the minor planets, the effects of the comets and other space debris on the alignment of the major planets and their relative positions around the earth. A horoscope therefore not only gives us a glimpse into the future but can give us hints into the past. It is not an exact science but it can be used as such to give us some insight into what could happen in our lives.

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Reilly Gray

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Reilly Gray
Joined: May 18th, 2021
Articles Posted: 4

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