Como Prevenir El Colera (Movie Review)

Posted by Williams Randall on June 8th, 2021

Do you remember the movie, Como Prevenir? It was a very entertaining film starring Gael Garcia Marquez and Al Pacino. In case you haven't seen it, let me refresh your memory. In the movie, Pacino plays a Spanish real estate developer who purchases a small fishing village called El Colonda. He plans to turn it into a resort but he needs the money to pay for it. The villagers, fearing for their livelihood, do not give him the money. He then tries to force them to sell the village to him for a huge sum of money. Ultimately, the villagers get taken away to the 'New Spain' as slaves. The movie ended with the takeover of the fishing village by the forces of General Santa Maria and his right-hand man Generalaro Quijano. Santa Maria plans to put an end to the rebel leader's rebellion. The two Generals attack the fishing village but are stopped short by Como Prevenir. After this, the film switches to the story of the townspeople trying to hold off Santa Maria and his troops. As I have mentioned earlier, Como Prevenir was an excellent film that was well-received throughout the world. However, I think its inaccuracies are myopic. For one thing, there is no such place as Como Prevenir. I think the term refers to the fishing village only. Secondly, the real reason why Santa Maria takes over the fishing village is so that they will not be able to build any more fishing boats. They are forced to become workers for Santa Maria. I think the film inaccurately depicts the situation of the fishing village because Santa Maria and his troops are portrayed as fair-skinned. Fair-skinned people do not typically appear as aggressive in Spanish films. I think most people know that the real reason why Santa Maria takes over Como Prevenir is because the population has been growing too rapidly for the fishing village to be self-sufficient. The way the film is shot also gives the lie to the accuracy of the scenario. There are multiple views available in the film directors cut. It is clear that Santa Maria and his troops are approaching the fishing village from all directions. In the alternate version of the events, there are two helicopters that land on the water. One helicopter shoots a shell at the boats and the other helicopter drops a man from the air. The man hits the boats and then falls into the water. When the other helicopter comes, the man who fell into the water fights back. He is assisted by some local fishermen, until another helicopter lands nearby. Then the third helicopter shoots him and he falls into the water. In conclusion, Como Prevenir El Colera is a great film. It is not as exciting as the others in its category, but it is still a good film. Overall, it is not a terrible film, but does have some flaws. I recommend it to film novices and to film directors with an interest in the Guardia Civil. marvellous! - Miguel Lope de Mora. This is without a doubt my favorite film from this year. Lope does a wonderful job as General Santa Cruz. I especially love his scene when he visits the Punta Cana base to pick up his daughter before he boards the plane to go to Peru. All I can say is good for the tie-in to the film, but they missed a lot. The most obvious one was the terrible dialogue. Other than that, the characters were interesting. I particularly liked the scenes with the fishermen. I especially liked the climatic scenes. It looks like the Guardia Civil will be in more films after this. No complaints at all. It is always great when film directors get a chance to make a film for a brand they already support. It seems that they go to all the lengths to portray something that is positive about their institution. Such is the way with this film. In cirugia , it gives the people of Peru a good look into what is going on before, during and after the Shining Path conflict. It is a very good lesson for us Americans to learn from. If you want to see a Spanish speaking film that is also highly informative and emotional, then this is it. It is definitely worth seeing. Watching cirugia in Spanish is definitely a huge plus. Como Prevenir El Colera does exactly that.

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Williams Randall

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Williams Randall
Joined: June 8th, 2021
Articles Posted: 5

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