Posted by Dickinson Proctor on June 13th, 2021

What'S up guys, welcome back to new video, got some exciting, exciting news? Guess what it's about? No, it is not about gaming. This is it some old Skullcandy headphones. My brother gave me a while back I'm gon na be on zoom meetings, so I wanted to go mobile, so I got a headset and I downloaded the zoom app on my cell phone, but I've got to show you guys the garage, it's freaking unreal right now, I'Ll give you guys a quick look stupid, oh boy, what a day man Jaden these guys have been plugging away big time. Okay, you guys ready for the reveal it's getting getting serious in here. This is the man door, which is most likely where we'll use it on a daily to enter and BAM. The walls are done. These guys just got finished and now we're gon na gut out the garage. So we can spray it. So a couple vlogs ago J told you guys about the toner spray that will spray on there and I think you should bring out some Gray's some dark Browns and some highlights, but guys I'm freaking out J said I could hang mounts tonight like this place, is Just about done to night still need to do speakers and button up the automation stuff, but for the most part the garage is almost done. They did a little wood trim around the lights. To look super good and I think right now we're going to gut it. It'S time to empty it or what [ Music, ] man this view. Look at that view I love this. Wood did all the way up to the garage door. I know once I get some antlers, it's a mount. I'Ve got so many mounts to play with. I think I'm gon na do mule deer all across that top. It looks like you had in your house yeah like the old barn wood which, by the way, if you guys, remember the old barn wood wall, this is the man who made that one yeah. That was a really really nice wood. The guy who moved into that place, loves it really yeah. He you would like to go, see it. Actually, it's pretty cool! I'M gon na leave the plastic for the spray right. Okay, all right! Well, we pull it out. We got the blower handy, I'm gon na do a quick haul of stuff out of here and get it ready. Looking amazing, though, hung guys, what do you guys think my dream for this garage, like I think I said this in a few blog just to sit here, hit the keypad and, as that rolls up, you get to see the logo and get to see the wood And all the mounts and it's gon na look exactly like I wanted it to so. I'M gon na help these guys empty this out real quick and then I have to zoom calls back to back. I got to get out, but I'm going mobile, I'm just gon na stay on my headset. Well, I stepped away for about an hour to take some zoom calls and let me tell you what you guys need to see this place now: look they're getting the spray on and look how awesome that looks. It'S it's wet right now. So it's darker, but look how that pulls out all the color. Now what gives it that really weathered look. So this is what it is raw and this is what it is wet just like that huh Shh. That applies pretty pretty 30 even huh. Look at this gosh I'm doing some trim around the paint you got to get the detail, work with the hands huh Bob Ross. I was once called the Bob rah. I was once called the Bob Ross of butchering. I told the guys like dude. That'S the greatest compliment I've ever had. It was on like a how-to how to butcher a butcher and Alcor something right. It'S like you're, the Bob Ross of butchering whole week dude. This is that's so cool, like look at all the different colors that it pulls out of there. I love these highlights here, can't wait to see it when it dries. This thing's gon na be ready tonight guys. I can't wait to pull the plastic off and see nailed it exactly what I wanted like. I said this, this looked a little unfinished, not my style. I don't like the light. Color wood, that's what I'm talking about more contrast and a little so pretty good. These guys are killing it. Here'S a moment of truth that I've been waiting for pulling the plastic off jay-z getting started. I think the floor is really inside this place together. Dude dang, alright, guys we're gon na sweep this up blow it out and clean it up. Show you when it's done, I feel like the luckiest guy. When it comes to timing, especially today we decided to pull out all the plastic and it was dirty, as can be so I reached out to my buddy Joe who did the floor. I was like hey man. What can I use to really clean this up? Shine it up, there's a lot of mud from the drywall, and this had been scratched a little. What do you know? He was literally right down. more helpful hints took him about an hour to get here, so that's the guy four concrete floors. I saw a few comments so if you guys need concrete work there you go looking at pictures and this was done the first week of March. So it's been a project so March to April to May to June three months of a project and a lot of help from Joe on the floor. My buddy Mike Hanson on the electrical and the heating and the HVAC system, then of course Jay and his team on the wall and then Tyler. Who is helping me with the speakers and then, of course, the guys that came and did all the sheetrock. Those guys plugged that out pretty quick and did a great job, so this was not possible at all without the help of everybody, even the insulation people that did the insulation. Scott helped me do that. So a lot of people to think, but I'm ecstatic with the results man. This is literally exactly what I wanted it to be and in due time, we'll be able to start hanging some mounts and really starting to button it up, but look how nice this looks. After after he waxed it, it literally looks brand new again, oh boy, that's so cool who the weather is not messing around here in Utah, it's already hot again, especially in the old Chevy, got the some J Bebe's many Justin Bieber fans. You can't help admit that some of his music is catchy a lot of people have asked. Where is the Toyota? It'S right there? It'S still doing good, keeping the miles low on it, driving the Chevy's. The Toyota is insured and everything, but I just have not really been using it as like a daily driver, mostly because it's so doing clean. I don't want to get a dirty and ruin it so we'll just keep beating up the old Chevy's, while they last specially around town use that for the road trips, but finally getting a chance to step away from the house. It'S always nice to get out of the house as I'm there a lot, because I edit videos work I'm working out there. So it's nice to get out the house gon na run to the gym. The set of antlers that I sold on eBay have been paid for so there's been contact with the buyer. It'S super thankful for him Nick. Thank you so much. I'M gon na get those shipped out to him as soon as possible. I just kinda have to build my own box, so a couple buddies are gon na come over later to see the garage, but for now I'm on the road so cutting off the vlog see it shut that down all right guys. I'M gon na cut this vlog off right here. I really was excited today because the barn wood got put up it's late, I'm leaving super early tomorrow morning for another overnight shed antler hunt, possibly the last one of the season, but had this spot in mind really want to go check it out. Fingers crossed that. I can get into some. I'M gon na actually bring the camera with me to vlog for this channel. I will also be capturing all the good stuff we'll be on the hush channel. The entire shed hunt will be over there, but I'm gon na end. This I'm gon na cut this tonight. That way I can upload it I'm trying to upload, as often as I can on this channel. So if you guys are digging all the videos, let me know I know they may seem repetitive a lot of stuff in the garage around the house. That'S kind of what I've been up to. So that's really all I've got to share if you're new to the channel hit the subscribe button. Thank you guys for over 28,000. Subscribers really appreciate it time to get packed up time to cut this video, see you guys on the next video

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Dickinson Proctor

About the Author

Dickinson Proctor
Joined: June 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1