Importance of Consulting a Cataract Doctor in Miami and Boca Raton, FL

Posted by sighttrust on March 11th, 2022

Human beings tend to become less active and energetic with age. While creaky joints and painful gait are common occurrences, cataract formation is another reality that cannot be avoided. Most individuals develop cataracts after 50, with their natural eye lens becoming opaque and hindering their visual acuity. The only treatment known at present is to have the damaged lens removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

Individuals are eager to remain independent for life. Reading, walking, playing games, and driving make life enjoyable. A patient who has to choose between IOLs prefers the multifocal lens in Palm Beach and Weston, FL usually. This ensures complete freedom and the ability to enjoy the same lifestyle as before.

One does wonder about the nature of a multifocal lens. Interestingly, many patients prefer to go with the mono-focal lens, with some finding the multifocal intraocular lens to be more suitable. It should not be picked on a whim, however. It is best to discuss the pros and cons of the available lenses, including their price, before making the final decision.

One would also be intrigued to hear that the multifocal IOL is an artificial lens that mimics the action of the natural eye lens. One does not feel the presence of the IOL once it is inserted. While it is commonly used to replace cataract-riddled lenses, some patients prefer to go through the surgical procedure for vision correction before cataract development. Such a procedure is known as refractive lens exchange. It helps one enjoy improved visual ability with far, near, and intermediate vision being corrected perfectly.

Another thing that surprises many people is the presence of concentric circles etched on the surface of the IOL. The rings allow proper focusing on the retina irrespective of the distance. Most patients are pleased to get rid of their prescription glasses or contact lenses after recovery from the surgery.

The reasons to select multifocal IOL are immense despite some patients finding it a trifle pricey. True, this type of IOL is not covered by Medicare, but the benefits are too varied to ignore it completely.

Inserting a monofocal IOL corrects distant vision, but nearsightedness and working in front of the computer screen requires donning eyeglasses once again. The multifocal lens can correct all sorts of visual issues, making the patient free from encumbrances.

Astigmatism is corrected for good with the aid of multifocal lenses too. The range of vision is improved appreciably, with the patient experiencing newfound freedom like never before.

Sure, most patients can get rid of their glasses for good following cataract surgery with a multifocal IOL firmly positioned. Yet a handful of patients may have to use reading glasses for viewing fine print.

The best person to provide one with all the necessary facts, including the risks, is an experienced cataract doctor in Miami and Boca Raton, FL, who has been performing the surgery for years at a stretch.

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