Steps to Convert PowerPoint Presentation to E-learning using Articulate Storyline 360

Posted by Gopal Singh on July 14th, 2022

Import PowerPoint presentation into Storyline 360
Step 1: Open the PowerPoint file in Microsoft Word and save it as a .pptx file.
Step 2: Go to File > New > Articulate Storyline 360 Project and click Next.
Step 3: In the next window, specify your name for this project (you can also change its name later), choose an appropriate folder for storing files in your local computer, and select whether you want to create a new user account when prompted by Windows Explorer during the installation process, check if you want to import all files from another source (such as SharePoint list) or just some specific ones only. You can also set up different options here if needed such as choosing whether you want automatically import text blocks when opening them with Adobe Reader software or not; selecting what should happen if there are no lines in the document containing images, etc.

Replace the content with meaningful text
Upload a PowerPoint presentation to Articulate Storyline 360. When you upload your presentation, be sure to select “Import as a File” from the dropdown menu instead of “Import as New Presentation” or “Import as Presenter Viewer” because this will enable you to replace the content with meaningful text instead of relying on placeholder images and videos that do not have any meaning in your E-learning course.
Replace the content with meaningful text by clicking on “Replace Content (Text)” under Edit > Replace in Storyline 360 once the file has been imported into Articulate Storyline 360 and then choose an appropriate template for your project based on its content type (e.g., if it is an ebook/ebooks).

Use the placeholder for images and videos
Placeholders are used for images, videos, and other media elements. They can also be used to insert web links and quizzes into your presentation.
You can add placeholders by following these steps:
Open the PowerPoint file in Articulate Storyline 360 (or the template you want to convert).
Click on "Placeholder" under the "Insert" section at the bottom of your screen (the button will look like a paper plane). You'll see this option appear below all of your slides in what looks like a notebook or journal with lines drawn on it (see Figure 1).

Convert animation in  PowerPoint to Articulate Storyline 360
In this section, we will show you how to convert PowerPoint animations to Articulate Storyline 360.
To begin, open your PowerPoint presentation and choose an appropriate template for your project. Then add interactions by dragging them into the timeline or using the Add Animation button on the toolbar. When creating custom interactions, select the animation that you want and click on More Options (the icon with two small squares) in order to add more actions or settings before exporting it as an HTML5 file which can then be used in Articulate Storyline 360 projects.

Choose an appropriate template for your project and add animations in Articulate Storyline 360
Before you begin, it's important to make sure that you have the right template for your course.
Choose an appropriate template for your project and add animations in Articulate Storyline 360
Choose a template that is easy to use and fits the topic of your course
Choose a template that fits your learning objectives, learning style, and budget

Add interactions to your slides or develop custom interactions in Articulate Storyline 360
Add interactions to your slides or develop custom interactions in Articulate Storyline 360.
Replace the content with meaningful text.
Use the placeholder for images and videos.

You can import the Powerpoint presentation into Storyline 360 and convert it into an eLearning course.
To begin, you'll need to import the PowerPoint presentation into Storyline 360. Once it's imported, you'll notice that there are two main components: an empty storyboard and placeholder content.
The first thing you should do is replace all of the placeholder text with something meaningful—for example, "Here is a sample slide." You can also add images or videos here if necessary (just make sure they don't conflict with any other elements). Then save your document as a . PSD file so that Storyline 360 knows what style sheets and media assets are inside!
You might want some animations in this project too so choose one from Articulate Storyline 360' s library or create one yourself using its animated templates feature (available on both desktop apps).

The Articulate Storyline 360 tool can help you convert your PowerPoint presentation into an eLearning course. You can use it to replace the content with meaningful text and add interactions to your slides or develop custom interactions in Articulate Storyline 360.

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Gopal Singh

About the Author

Gopal Singh
Joined: July 14th, 2022
Articles Posted: 6

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