7 Natural Hair Treatment To Try For Heavy Hairfall

Posted by vedelan on September 29th, 2022

Hairfall is a prevalent issue that ruins self-confidence, promotes a poor self-image, and encourages depression and stress among people. Implementing chemical shampoos and hair care treatments is an easy solution; however, it might cost you a fortune. In many situations, one might not even get the desired results. But for once, have you considered using natural hair treatment for those gorgeous locks you have grown? 

Sure your hurly-burly lifestyle is affecting your required diet plan and water intake. Ignoring the same is not suggested, including missing natural hair treatment sessions. 

You can easily find the items in any nearby food shops, departmental stores, or online shops. Only, you have to take some time out from your days to prepare the same, that’s it. But for once, have you questioned yourself about the reason behind your hair fall?


Hair fall can happen to you for-

  1. Hormones
  2. Genetics
  3. Unstable Diet
  4. Overthinking/Negative Mental Health
  5. Auto-Immune Diseases
  6. Fungal infection in your scalp


These three natural steps can promote healthy hair growth if you face untimely hair fall. Further, these three steps can be initiated at any day and time, so why not today!! So-

  1. Hair Message-

You can use oil, hair serum, or a hair tool to begin your hair message session comfortably at home. These sincere and effective methods promote hair growth while relaxing your nerve ends. However, ensure that you stay consistent with the daily hair massage session to see the results. 

  1. Shifting To Silk Pillow Cover-

Cotton pillow tends you break your hair a lot because of their slightly rough surface texture. Switching to a silk pillow cover will sufficiently help you stay detangled, even after a relaxed round of deep sleep. Additionally, shifting to using silk scrunchies to tie your hair enables you to maintain your gorgeous locks to stay tangle-free and unbroken. 

  1. Proper Combing-

Don’t ignore combing; proper combing sessions before showering and sleeping help you prevent unprecedented hair falls. Again it would be best if you were consistent to see an excellent result.


Hair care treatment is similar to skin care which needs patience and perseverance to see a result. Investing in heavy-duty chemical products is a straightforward solution that might or might not bring you consequential aftermath. 

But there is a solid guarantee for a natural hair treatment that will work for you. Well, some hair treatment masks might be a disaster for your hair texture and standard. However, the ones that will work for your hair will magically transform your mane’s thickness, quality, shine, and volume.

So here are some natural hair treatment masks prepared just for you.

  1. Hibiscus Flower Hair Cleanser/Mask

It would help if you had a little water and hibiscus petals to prepare this mask/cleanser. Blend the combo, and make it to smooth paste. You can keep the mix covering your hair roots or scrub off the roots using the paste. This hair mask is also quite effective for treating dandruff. Besides, the aftermath will offer you super soft, smooth, detangled hair, which you will love.

  1. Fuller’s Earth And Lemon For Hair Fall

Fuller’s earth ruled the D.I.Y. segment even before the ‘D.I.Y.’ term was coined. And Lemon’s anti-bacterial properties are excellent for every mask you intend to make. Besides, Fuller’s earth is a great cleansing agent, so once you apply the hair mask over your hair strands or roots, it swiftly absorbs the dirt and gunk build-up on the locks. However, using the combo as a hair cleansing mask is suggested to observe the best result. Add three tablespoons of Fuller’s earth with a few drops of Lemon juice. Apply the same over your hair and wash it off after 5 minutes. 

  1. Onion Juice For Hair Fall And Hair Growth

The sulfur in Onion is great for collagen production, which ultimately helps hair fall control and growth. Grind the Onion, extract the pure juice from the same, and apply the raw liquid to your hair strands. Keep the mask for around 30 minutes before washing it off using gentle shampoo. Ensure to repeat the mask once every week. On a cautionary note, you might not like the pungent smell of Onion; however, try to be consistent to see the brilliant result.

  1. Aloe Vera Natural Hair Treatment 

Aloe Vera is a versatile product that you can both drink and apply to enjoy good quality hair. However, chances are there that you might not appreciate the taste of the juice. But using the same as a hair mask generously works. Extract out the pulp from the Aloe Vera stem. Prepare a blend of the pulpy paste by adding an adequate amount of water. Apply the mix over your roots and stands thoroughly. Please keep it for an hour or so. You can repeat the process twice or thrice a week. Besides helping you with hair fall, aloe vera natural hair treatment is excellent for treating dandruff, frizz control, and smoothening your gorgeous mane. 

  1. Fenugreek Hair Treatment

Your damaged hair follicles definitely need this. Soak in two tablespoons of fenugreek overnight, make the same into a paste, then apply it in the morning, focusing on your scalp and roots. Please keep it for one hour, then wash it off with cool water. You should follow this natural hair treatment at least once a week.  

  1. Amla And Lime Juice For Your Hair Fall

One of the powerful sources of vitamin C is Amla, which encourages incomparable hair growth without a doubt. It is, in fact, very potent in preventing early greying of your locks. So, add one teaspoon of amla powder with just a few drops of lime juice, prepare a thick paste, and apply the same to your scalp. Please keep it for around 40mins or so before washing off the same with a gentle shampoo. 

  1. Green Tea For Both Your Body And Hair

Besides calming your tensed nerves, a powerful antioxidant, green tea helps you proficiently control your hair fall. You need to soak 1-2 green tea bags for 5 minutes. Once cooled down, apply the liquid to your roots and scalp. Keep it for 5-7 minutes before washing the same with regular water.

Will Vede’lan Help You In Your Journey Of Hair Fall?

The ultimate Ayurvedic solution to your everyday needs is what Vedelan is equipped with. Everything from hair care and digestive issues to skincare has a satisfying answer in Vedelan. Therefore without any delay, visit Vedelan, your conclusive Ayurvedic stop.

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Joined: September 27th, 2022
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