What Makes a Good Piece of Software for Digital Work Instruction?

Posted by Bam Margera on November 7th, 2022

Digitizing your work instructions is critical to the development of a smart factory. Digital work instructions, with their capacity to standardise operations and capture important data, provide the tools required to realise your smart manufacturing goals.

Today's manufacturing enterprises encounter numerous obstacles. The industry is highly competitive and fast-paced. Manufacturers who do not accept current technologies and procedures are likely to face high turnover costs, costly quality control, and a decrease in production.

It can be hard for a company to choose the right digital work instruction software. For businesses to get the most out of their money, they need to look into what's out there first. Here are some of the most important things that a good piece of digital work instruction software should have:

Easy to use 

The whole point of using digital work instructions is to make it easier to teach employees how to do their jobs and run machines. So, it shouldn't be too hard to make the work instructions themselves. Look for programmes that have templates you can change or drag-and-drop tools so that the process doesn't take too long. Make sure the instructions are clear and easy to follow so that workers can use the tool to its full potential.

Reporting and Tracking of Analytics

One of the best things about digitising work instructions is being able to track performance and record results right away. Look for a programme that can report in detail and in real time. Make sure that reports and analytics are clear and easy to understand so that efforts to make improvements can be carried out with more success.

Visual and Multi-Media Embeds

Every piece of digital software for giving work instructions should have quick embeds for visual and multi-media aids. Workers will be better able to do tasks and processes right and safely the first time if they are shown how to do them in a clear, step-by-step way with the help of videos, pictures, and 3D models.

Mobile device compatibility

Digital instructions for work should be easy to find on a number of platforms. Companies should look for apps that can be used on smartphones, tablets, and devices that can be worn, like smart glasses. Give your employees access to information at all times and from anywhere.

Easy updates and customizable permissions

Look for a digital work instruction app that lets you change permissions both when you're writing the instructions and when you're following them on the plant floor. This will help companies give the job of writing and creating process instructions to specific people and make sure that the same tools and formats are always used. It should also let users set their own permissions for assigning and completing tasks.


Companies will be better able to handle daily problems if they can quickly and easily share problems, concerns, and feedback. Employees will feel more comfortable asking questions and departments will be able to share information more quickly and easily if they can talk to each other. There should also be a way for supervisors to give specific workers tasks and training right away.


Having software programmes that are easy to integrate with existing systems, like an ERP or MES system, can solve problems instead of making them. This makes it easy for information and data to move between different systems.


When looking for digital work instruction software, you should think about the future. This means looking at what the business needs now and thinking about how growth might change those needs in a year, five years, or even ten years. 

Can this software grow as your business does? And will the company that makes and manages the software be able to stay in business so that it can be there to help all those years from now?

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Bam Margera

About the Author

Bam Margera
Joined: October 10th, 2022
Articles Posted: 20

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