Course in Miracles by Gary Renard

Posted by seomypassion12 on April 5th, 2023

Gary Renard is a Course in Miracles author and international speaker. He has written several best-selling books, including The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality.

There are a number a course in miracles of reasons to doubt his story of ascended masters Arten and Pursah appearing in his life. Let's look at a few of them.
The Disappearance of the Universe

One of the most enlightening discoveries astronomers have made is that the universe's expansion has been accelerating, rather than slowing. This was a shock to most of the scientific community, and it was difficult for them to understand how this could be possible. There were several theories, all of which included some kind of mysterious force that was causing the universe to accelerate, but none of them were satisfactory.

But the most promising explanation, according to a new study, was that the universe's expansion has been triggered by the presence of a mysterious energy called dark energy. This mysterious force pushes objects apart, just like two positive electric charges repel each other, and accounts for more than 70% of the universe's total energy content. It's still a mystery, but the research suggests that this strange phenomenon is likely to play an important role in the future evolution of our universe.

It also suggests that the universe isn't a static collection of stars, but rather something more akin to an evolving energy-fluid, which is why it would be able to rapidly change appearance and behavior on timescales much shorter than the expected millions or billions of years. That's why it's possible that an advanced civilization might be capable of modifying the appearance of stars in ways that are impossible for any natural processes to accomplish.

This idea of the disappearance of the universe, if true, might be an indication that advanced civilizations are on the verge of unleashing their powers on the observable universe. That would be a powerful reason to pray, because it's a sign that our world is about to undergo a massive transformation.
Your Immortal Reality

The concept of immortality is catching on with scientists who are trying to figure out how to extend our lifespans. This is in large part due to a plethora of technological advances and some fairly impressive medical research. But it’s also a result of spirituality and our connection to the divine. This book explores the possibilities of extending your life through technology and spirituality. In the process, it helps you understand how to use these advancements to your advantage and take control of your destiny.

A Course in Miracles enthusiast, Gary Renard has written several books on the topic including the aforementioned The Disappearance of the Universe and this one. He has a long-standing relationship with Ascended Master Teachers Arten and Pursah and enjoys discussing metaphysical principles in person or over the Internet. He has a background in music and is a professional guitar player.

The author has a knack for blending the most relevant spiritual principles with the latest technological breakthroughs to create a book that is a must read for anyone who wants to learn more about the ethereal and the ephemeral in their lives.
Secrets of the Immortal

In a world where the average life span has been shortened by a few years and where people have become more aware of their mortality, there has been a lot of talk about immortality. In the simplest of terms, immortality is a state of mind.

It's a tricky thing to achieve, and if you're not careful, it can also bring on the dark side. It may be a matter of avoiding or at least controlling negative emotions such as jealousy, envy and pride, which can lead to unsavory behavior such as stealing or even murder. Alternatively, you could choose to cultivate the opposite qualities, such as forgiveness, compassion and empathy, which can bring about a more peaceful outcome.

The secret to achieving this state of mind is to take the time and energy to explore these aspects of yourself and your life. Then, you can start to see a change in the way you think and behave.

The best way to do this is to begin by choosing a path that you believe in, one that will help you become more of who you really are. This will not only improve your physical health, but it will also open up a whole new world of possibilities.
The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other

When Jesus and Buddha knew each other, they both were in the prime of their lives, seeking truths that were beyond the reach of most people. Leaving their home communities, they departed to a wilderness where they faced Mara and his three temptations. Both came out of their quests with new teachings that immediately became part of the religions they founded.

These teachings were a road map toward non-dual consciousness and oneness. They still resonate with many spiritual seekers today.

Both of these great teachers had a profound impact on their followers and have been influential in world civilization ever since. It is almost unheard of to find someone who disagrees with the teachings of these two religious founders.

While there are differences in the religious truth claims of these two renowned masters, there is an eerie and mysterious correlation between their early sayings that suggests they were both teaching about compassion, wisdom, inner life, temptation, salvation, the future, miracles, disciples and attributes.

Some have tried to explain these similarities through cultural borrowing, such as Jesus learning from Buddha. However, Marcus Borg (1942-2015), a New Testament theologian, says they are more likely to be a result of their experiences.

In a recent study, he analyzed more than 100 sayings attributed to both Jesus and Buddha. The sayings spanned a wide range of topics, from love and materialism to temptation and salvation.

They also include some of the most important moral teachings from both traditions. They advocated peace, not war; avoid the corruption of wealth; help the poor; abolish slavery and caste systems; abandon self and selfishness; and love your neighbor, even your enemy.

Moreover, both of these teachers issued moral commandments that prohibited killing, stealing, adultery, false witness and coveting. These commandments were based on the principles of non-violence and non-aggression.

In fact, this was a key principle in Buddhism. Those who practiced the principles of nibbana, or enlightenment, were believed to have become completely free of the cycle of birth and death. It is this idea that shaped both Buddha and Jesus as they traveled throughout the ancient world and became the founders of their respective religions.

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Joined: August 18th, 2020
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