Finding Joy in the Real Moments: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Motherhood

Posted by Therese Masiello-London on August 11th, 2023

Becoming a mother is a life-changing experience, but it's not easy.

While your life will be full of diaper changes and sleepless nights, you will also find moments of joy and fulfillment. Being a mother is about embracing the rawness of motherhood and figuring out how to find enjoyment throughout the chaos, when you're wondering "does motherhood get easier?".

Embrace the Mess

Motherhood is a mess, but literally and figuratively. It's so easy to stress over spilled cereal or diaper blowouts, but these are situations you will laugh about down the road. These little messes come from a house filled with love and laughter.

Prioritize Self-Care (Even if It's Quick)

Finding time for a day at the spa might be a stretch, but even a few minutes of alone time can make a difference. Sneak in a hot cup of coffee before everyone wakes up or take a quick walk around the block during naptime. Self-care doesn't have to take up a lot of time; it just needs to be something that you enjoy and are doing for yourself.

Lower Your Expectations

You won't have it all together, and realize that is okay. There is no perfect mother, and trying to be one will only lead to disappointment. There will be days that are chaotic, and that's okay and normal. Focus on the smiles from your sweet baby or the giggles during playtime.

Connect with Other Moms

Seek out other moms who understand the good and the bad parts of motherhood. Sharing experiences, swapping tips, and offering each other support and advice can make you feel less alone and find more enjoyment in your new role as a mother.

Simplify and Delegate

You won't be able to do it all on your own, you're not supposed to! Split household tasks with your partner, make age-appropriate chores a game with your children, and don't be afraid to ask for help from friends or family. Taking some of the load off your shoulders can free up time and energy for the moments that bring joy.

Find Beauty in Routine

While routines might feel like a grind, they children thrive on routines and knowing what will happen next. Try to see the comfort of routines, and look for the small joys within them—a cuddle during storytime or feeling like you deserve a gold medal after bedtime routine was successful.

Document the Journey

Take photos and videos, write about your thoughts and special moments in journals. You will enjoy looking back at these moments as your children get older.  You will see how you matured and grew stronger during your motherhood journey. 

Embracing the Realness

Motherhood is a rollercoaster of emotions, full of beautiful moments and moments that you challenge you to your core. Finding joy isn't about ignoring the difficulties. It's about embracing the real, imperfect, and unforgettable experiences that come with being a mother.   

Remember, it's the messy, chaotic, and real moments that make this journey all yours.

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Therese Masiello-London

About the Author

Therese Masiello-London
Joined: August 11th, 2023
Articles Posted: 3

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