When is Tooth Extraction Recommended By The Dentist?

Posted by Sweta Sharma on August 25th, 2023

Regular dental checkups are vital for maintaining healthy gum tissue and general oral health. Visiting your dentist twice a year will help avoid severe tooth decay, which may necessitate a tooth extraction, as well as gum disease. Good dental hygiene routines, such as frequent brushing and flossing, will assist to lower bacterial levels in your mouth. Improper oral hygiene can result in hazardous bacterial levels, which can lead to tooth decay and mouth infections. If not treated immediately, untreated infections can be fatal. 

As per the Best Dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic, in certain cases, antibacterial treatment is inadequate if the tooth infection is severe and has decayed the whole tooth, necessitating immediate surgical tooth removal.”

Why is Tooth Extraction Important?

Tooth extraction is a dental treatment that involves removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. While keeping natural teeth is always the objective of dental treatment, there are times when tooth extraction is required for the patient's general oral health and well-being. 

Due to Following Reasons Tooth Extraction is Performed:

Severe Tooth Decay

One of the most common causes of tooth extraction is serious dental decay which has advanced to the point where the tooth can no longer be saved with traditional treatments such as fillings or root canals. When decay goes deep into the tooth and threatens its structural integrity, extraction may be the only viable option to prevent infection from spreading to neighboring teeth and tissues.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. However, due to limited space in the mouth, these teeth might become impacted (partially or completely confined beneath the gum and bone). Impacted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, infection, cyst development, and misalignment of neighboring teeth. In such circumstances, dentists frequently prescribe extraction to avoid future difficulties.


Teeth might become overcrowded, resulting in inadequate room for appropriate alignment. Misalignment, pain, and issues maintaining adequate dental hygiene can all come from this. A dentist may propose pulling one or more teeth to make space and improve overall dental alignment to manage overcrowding.

Periodontal Disease

Advanced periodontal (gum) disease can destroy the supporting tissues and bone around teeth. Extraction may be indicated to avoid the spread of infection and safeguard the health of neighboring teeth and gums in situations when the illness has advanced considerably and damaged the stability of a tooth.

Trauma or Injury

Accidents and traumas can result in significant tooth damage, such as fractures and breaks that extend deep into the tooth's structure. When a tooth cannot be adequately fixed, extraction may be required to avoid pain, infection, and subsequent issues.

Preparing for Orthodontic Treatment

Tooth extraction may be indicated as part of the treatment plan in circumstances when orthodontic treatment (braces or aligners) is planned. Certain teeth can be removed to provide room for the remaining teeth to be correctly aligned and produce the appropriate bite and cosmetic result.

One can visit Aspen Dental Clinic; they have a team of dental surgeons. The cost of tooth extraction in Gurgaon will vary based on one’s unique needs; the cost vary based on the number of teeth removed, the severity of the condition, and anesthesia cost.

Benefits of Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a dental treatment in which a damaged, decaying, or diseased tooth is extracted. The following are some of the advantages of having a tooth extracted:

Prevents future harm

A damaged or rotting tooth can be extracted to avoid future harm to your teeth, gums, and surrounding bone. Dentists advise that a rotting or broken tooth can set off a chain reaction of complications.

Reduces the growth of harmful bacteria

A tooth infection can transfer infectious germs to other natural teeth, dental roots, or other parts of the body. Removing the damaged tooth can help to lower the number of dangerous germs in your mouth while also improving your overall dental and physical health.

Relieves discomfort

A badly broken or diseased tooth can cause excruciating agony. A tooth extraction is a modest procedure that can relieve oral pain and enhance your quality of life.

Enhances appearance

A rotting or damaged tooth can hurt your smile and general look. When required, the doctor will remove the tooth. After tooth extraction, having a dental implant installed will improve your smile and self-confidence.

Tooth extraction is a dental treatment that is advised when keeping the tooth may do more damage than benefit. While the thought of having a tooth extracted might be frightening, even dentists in Gurgaon advise it for the patient's as it offers long-term dental health.

Many of the conditions that lead to tooth extraction may be avoided by having regular dental check-ups and practicing proper oral hygiene.

Dental Implants After Tooth Extraction

Missing teeth can impact how you eat and speak, your smile appearance, and your overall oral health. When you are facing a loss of one or more teeth, Aspen Dental experts can help you restore them with dental implants. 

Dental implants are the closest replacement for your lost natural adult teeth. They are the titanium anchors that serve as roots of the fake replacement teeth. Aspen Dental offers high-quality dental implants at the best costs. 

Anyone with missing/failing teeth can get dental implants without facing a blow to their wallet with the help of our affordable and flexible payment plans and financial assistance programs. Are you considering dental implants? 

Our implant specialists provide all kinds of affordable prostheses including dental crowns, fixed dental bridgework, and fixed dentures. To optimize the results of your implant surgery, we offer a variety of supporting treatments like bone/sinus grafting, All-on-4 implants, and Same-day implants. We have so far helped thousands of patients improve their smile aesthetics, teeth functionality, and comfort with our top-notch dental implants. 

Take a step forward to get your healthy, complete, beautiful smile by booking an appointment. 

Read More: Orthodontic Treatment: Options Galore

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Sweta Sharma

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Sweta Sharma
Joined: June 5th, 2019
Articles Posted: 10

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