You Need To Talk To Employment Termination Lawyers If Your Firing Was Illegal

Posted by joe woakes on August 9th, 2016

Whether you got fired due to the company’s corporate restructuring or due to reasons that hint at your professional inadequacy, you always hold the right to know if your employment was terminated as per legal guidelines. In case, you are convinced otherwise or even slightly suspicious, you need to look for reliable employment termination lawyers.

In order to be sure that you need the lawyers, you should have a fair idea of what wrongful termination would include.

1. Asking you to leave just because you are different. This falls under the category of discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, gender, religion, disability, color etc.

2. Firing you as a way of retaliating just because of minor feuds or if you raised any complaints regarding anything at the workplace.

3. Terminating your services if you refused to commit an act that you considered immoral or wrongful at your personal front.

Though it might be difficult to know for sure if any of the wrongful reasons were at play, the following situations would paint a clearer picture. In other words, if you were asked to suddenly leave under the following circumstances, you must seek legal help.

  • Did you recently reveal an illness or disability at work?
  • Did you file a complaint regarding the workplace on issues such as harassment or discrimination?
  • Did you recently express an opinion that wasn’t liked much by your colleagues?

  • You may have expressed your rights related to leaves, voting etc.
  • You were fired despite having an employment contract.

You were the only woman, only member of a particular race or faith, sole person who initiated positive changes etc.

There can be several other scenarios within the aforementioned three broad categories under which you should not and cannot be legally asked to quit your job. The reasons and situations stated above are clear indications of a wrongful termination and you need to discuss your suspicions with your lawyer at the earliest. Consultation with an employment termination lawyer would clarify the situation in detail and ensure that the odds of winning a lawsuit are in your favor.

You should avoid signing any documents or release of claims before you have had a detailed discussion with your lawyer. That is because you may be completely unaware of the rights you may be holding or how eligible you may be for valuable claims against the company. A lawyer would be able to throw light on all that you need to know in this regard.

Author’s bio: The author is a blogger. This article talks about the situations when you need to consult employment termination lawyers.

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joe woakes

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joe woakes
Joined: August 9th, 2016
Articles Posted: 12

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