Want to Be Kind to Your Knees? Consult the Best Physiotherapists in London

Posted by Arjun Viswanath on October 7th, 2016

Whether you’re a serious athlete or simply want to grow old pain-free, it’s important to be kind to your knees. Consult a physiotherapist in London if you are experiencing any discomfort so the problem can be nipped in the bud right away. There are also a few things you can do to ensure that your knees are healthy. 

First of all, you should realize the importance of your knees to your daily life so that you can stop taking them for granted. They play a huge role in mobility and in supporting your body. They let you run, walk, bend down to pick up something, drive, etc.—and yet you probably don’t take active steps to take care of them. This has to stop.

While exercising is good for your joints, the wrong movement can sometimes do more harm than good. Running and walking can take a toll of your knees. The good news is that you don’t have to stop running altogether—you just have to prepare your body for these types of knee-reliant exercises. Some of the best physiotherapists in London can design a plan for you but there are also some things you can do yourself.  

For one, be sure to stretch before and after you go for a run or a brisk walk. A good warm up can reduce the risk of injury, and cooling down (stretching after exercise) can ease any stiffness you might feel the next morning. Stretching lets your muscles let go of all that lactic acid that makes you sore the day after. It also improves your circulation, as well as your flexibility to lower the risk of knee pain. 

You need to stretch even if you are not a runner. Do you lift with your knees all day? Perhaps you pick up your kids, the groceries, or do some work in your garden that requires you to lift things using your knees? You might not realize it, but you are putting enormous pressure on your knees when you do these activities. They support your full body weight, after all. So make sure to stretch before going to bed.

Here’s another useful tip: Don’t kneel for more than 10 minutes. You might lose track of time if you’re planting flowers, so wear a watch when you’re out gardening. Get up often (every few minutes) and move around before you kneel down again, as it’s important to move your joints. 

And the next time you feel any pain or discomfort in your knees, don’t hesitate to go to a physiotherapist in London. Early treatment is key to a lifetime of healthy joints. 

About the Author: 

This article is written by Arjun Viswanath, the Clinic Director of London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic. London Physiotherapy and Wellness Clinic is an outpatient rehabilitation centre. Their staff includes clinical specialist physiotherapists and sports therapists. Their therapists have worked with all age groups and successfully helped them to recover from their injuries easily. They also offer special programs for youth athletics as well as for pregnant women.

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Arjun Viswanath

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Arjun Viswanath
Joined: April 26th, 2016
Articles Posted: 18

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