The New Year Manifestation Checklist

Posted by kandha1993n on December 21st, 2016

If you are secretly jealous of someone Else's wealth, luck, or success, how can you possibly attract the same into your life? Your envious feelings sabotage your creative efforts by declaring to the universe that you do not have enough! Therefore you are jealous, and so you will attract more reasons to feel jealous Purathrive Liposomal Turmeric Extract  in your life! If you spend all morning visualizing and feeling how wonderful it would be to work from home and be your own boss. Only to go to work and spend 8 hours or more hating every minute of it. The dominant command you are sending to the universe is that you hate your job and have no choice about it because you believe that you have to be there. Which is exactly the circumstances you will continue to attract and receive. Fear attracts reasons to be afraid. Love attracts reasons to rejoice. Attracting wealth is feeling prosperous regardless of circumstance.

Everyone has access to this limitless power. We all have the tools at our disposal. And we all CAN have all that we desire and dream of. Yet so many of us fall victim to laziness and ignorance. The childhood notion that if you can't do something someone will do it for you, like a plague, has spread into adulthood for many. That if you feel bad enough and cry loud enough someone MORE capable than you will save the day is simply false. It is a cancerous and dangerous belief. There is NOTHING that you cannot do for yourself if you choose to use the unlimited power at your disposal through your mind and the law of attraction. All you have to do is let go of the past and focus on what you want. Forgive all and stop limiting yourself. Be grateful for what you have and will have, believe you deserve success, and manifesting prosperity will come as naturally to you as waves from a drop of water!

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Joined: November 10th, 2016
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