Easter in Makarska - Makarska Touristik

Posted by Makarska Touristik on April 26th, 2017

Easter is coming and celebrate it or not, you need to know Makarska and Croatia generaly has some interesting traditions related to this holiday.

The Easter observances begin on Palm Sunday and continue throughout Holy Week.In many towns, there are ceremonies and processions every night.

Easter Friday is a traditional post and most eaten fish. In Urlaub Makarska and in the Croatian mainland are mostly beans, dried fruits, compotes, and cheese strudel pastry with nuts and poppy seeds. It also eats fish. At continental patterns and pike, in Istria and Dalmatia coast saltwater fish and seafood. Strict post means that once a day eats satisfied, while the other two meals are symbolic.

On Easter Saturday tradition is more secular and is related to baking a lot of cakes, especially sirnica (pronounced something like seernysah) or pinca. Sirnica is traditional sweet cake bread with sugar sprinkled on top. Tradition was to wake up during night on Good Friday and Easter Saturday to stir the dough so it can be tastier. Sirnica is genuine traditional Easter food but for mums and grandmas who make it is demanding cake cause it needs to be on constant warm temperature, needs to rise for hours and gets burned really quickly.

Along with baking cakes and buying sirnica (in case you want to make it on your own find recipe below), tradition is to color hard boiled eggs and prepare them for Easter.

Easter eggs are a symbol of life.Given to each other as a traditional gift and different messages. For colouring the natural way using shell onions, beet, spinach, nettles and various berries. Husks soak in water and cook with eggs. Special techniques we use further decorate whit the wax, decoration plants and decoration straw.

You need to have traditional egg fight on Easter aka you need wisely choose your colored hard boiled egg in order to win everyone else on the table.

Saturday afternoon or early Easter morning is reserved for food blessing of Easter baskets filled with eggs, ham, spring onion, sirnica and salt.

Bless the food is the first dish that everyone must eat on Easter morning.

Easter lunch is generous. In northern Croatia eaten chicken or turkey, and lamb. At sea eats the best white fish, snapper or dream Pierre. Attachment is always plentiful and even eaten onions and horseradish.

If you staying in Apartment Makarska during the Easter holiday you need to visit the most fascinating is the annual ‘Za Krizem’ Easter procession on the island of Hvar, a religious procession which has taken place uninterrupted (despite the region’s turbulent history) for more than 500 years, included a procession in the Egyptian desert during the Second World War.

As the name suggests, the ‘Behind the Cross’ procession follows a single cross-bearer through the night on Maundy Thursday, a journey of some 22km via five other churches, before returning to the starting point at around 7am on the morning of Good Friday.

Of course we can not forget to mention a wonderful weather that always delights us in Easter week. Spend Easter holiday in Makarska. You will love it!

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Makarska Touristik

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Makarska Touristik
Joined: December 19th, 2016
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