Automation Testing- Selenium Web Driver

Posted by Infocampus HR on November 4th, 2017

Selenium WebDriver is an open source mechanization apparatus which has turned out to be very mainstream in programming quality confirmation. Not just this, you can likewise use Selenium WebDriver to produce routine reports on venture status.

Apropos named after the follow mineral "selenium", which has enormous medical advantages even in little doses*, Selenium webdriver additionally is beneficial for you!

Let’s perceive how?

Selenium WebDriver accomplishes more than robotized testing

Selenium WebDriver was at first worked as a computerization device for programming testing. It works over all the primary programs, for example, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari and sends on Windows, Linux and Macintosh. It can be utilized no sweat in cloud testing.

Selenium WebDriver recreates client activities on web programs; it gives strategies to finding UI components and contrasting the normal outcomes and genuine application conduct at the client end.

The tests can be set up in any of the programming dialects like Python, Java, Ruby, and PHP or C #. Selenium WebDriver makes guide calls to the Web program and drives the program by utilizing its local API.

Not exclusively does Selenium WebDriver make it simple to mechanize testing, you can computerize normal and monotonous errands as well! For example, on the off chance that you need your got mail to be arranged on the premise of specific watchwords and put away in isolated organizers for simple access later, you can put Selenium WebDriver to the errand.

Selenium WebDriver can be utilized with execution testing devices like Apache JMeter and SoapUI. Selenium is perfect as it can be run headless; this stays away from the overhead of numerous cases of the web program running in particular tabs. This could somehow or another influence the aftereffects of execution tests.

Be that as it may, Selenium WebDriver can just do as such much…

  • It can't help computerize program modules like Flash or Silverlight-based applications.
  • Windows-based pop-ups can't be taken care of by Selenium Webdriver, unless it is utilized with an outsider utility like AutoIT.
  • It can't help robotize the testing of desktop applications or local portable applications as it utilizes Javascript running in the Web program to mimic the client activities; nonetheless, it can be utilized with AutoIT to test desktop applications.
  • It is an open source instrument, so there is no merchant bolster close by; the client needs to depend on online group gatherings for offer assistance.
  • You can produce reports with Selenium WebDriver just in the event that you utilize it with outsider apparatuses like JUnit and TestNG.
  • As a computerization build, you should know a programming dialect like Python, PHP, C#, Ruby or Java.

Test computerization system design with Selenium WebDriver:

Selenium WebDriver structure code incorporates ID estimations of all the html fields and tests utilize this to associate with the web application. The fortunate thing about this layered structure is that the tests themselves are protected from any adjustments in the page(s) of the web application. Just the ID estimation of the html field should be changed in the Selenium WebDriver structure code, on the off chance that they change in the application, and all tests will at present work!

Gathering of results – Reporting:

To gather test comes about, you should utilize Selenium WebDriver with a unit testing interface like NUnit. This is the means by which you do it:

  1. Create a task in C# and add reference to Selenium WebDriver and the NUnit structure to it by utilizing the accompanying summons:

utilizing NUnit.framework;

utilizing openQA.Selenium;

2. In the task, set the 'begin outside program' way to the area of the NUnit .exe record.

3. In Nunit, indicate the area of the venture (.dll) record.

4. Tap on 'Run'.

The what tops off an already good thing…

Selenium WebDriver encourages you guide test results to a QA database. This will make it simple to pull some imperative QA investigation, such as testing force, quality marker and analyzer certainty to survey the wellbeing of the task. This information helps the item administrator in measuring the hazard evaluation.

  • The testing force of the experiment will be communicated as the proportion of the quantity of times a test was really race to the quantity of times it was expected to be keep running in that specific era. Testing power is additionally connected to the need of the experiment. For high-need test cases, the testing force ought to be kept high.
  • Quality marker will show the pass/come up short status of the test going in reverse from the latest trial to the most punctual. For example, if, out of 5 trials, the most recent 3 trials have brought about a 'pass' result, the nature of the application credit is thought to be great.
  • Tester certainty is a subjective metric and is gaged from the blend of test power and quality marker.

Yet, we ought to be watchful…

The code composed for robotization ought to be precise and consistent with testing objectives; generally there is the likelihood that a false positive outcome may wind up confounding the testing procedure and backing it off, which is unquestionably impossible in the present tech atmosphere of speedier application discharges.

About Author:

Looking for best selenium training institute in Bangalore?? Then join Infocampus. It is an institute that provides selenium training in bangalore. Selenium classes at infocampus are practical oriented with live examples. Demo classes on selenium training will be conducting on every week. Call 9738001024 or visit

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Infocampus HR
Joined: December 10th, 2016
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