Ohhh?? Tea Stains are on my Carpet, How I remove these stains?

Posted by Marlin kemi on November 30th, 2017

In daily routine tea stains are natural and they are ultimate horror for the owner of a light-colored carpet. We all know that everyone is very careful when moving a hot cup of coffee around the house, accidents do happen. Once the tea stains are on the carpet then it is quite hard for you to remove this tea stain from the carpet. These stains are great tools to help you get through the day. When the drops of tea are in your hot drinks fall, you can be left with tea stains all over your carpets. But there are so many ways which help to remove these tea stains and they will also help to eliminate all the dirty spots from your carpet as well and make your carpet durable looking as new. So you have to pick that method which is best for the surface and also act as soon as possible to avoid setting the stain, if you act fast, most times you can remove the tea stain completely. These tea stains are easily spilled onto your clean carpets. So at that time you have to keep in mind that when there are tea stains onto your carpet then it should b begin with cleanup process immediately. You have to take fast action at that time because the longer you allow the liquid to sit on your carpet, the much more difficult it will be to remove it.

When you were suffered with this problem then it is time to get tea stain out of a carpet or you have to try any of the above mentioned do-it-yourself methods to get results fast. But when spots are harder and they are not easy to remove then you have to contact a professional Canberra carpet cleaners. There are most of the stains which were very hard to remove then at that time you have to try these following methods:-

Tips which help to remove tea stains from Carpet:-

  • The best solution to treat with tea stains with the help of baking soda or soda water because it is very good option for sponging off the stain. In that case you firstly soak the area with towel or wipes and then blot dry with clean paper, and repeat this process until the liquid is clear. In that case patience is required so much because there are some stains which can take a while to remove.

  • You have also used wet cloth and try to absorb all the tea with the help of this cloth. After that you have to pour a generous amount of salt directly onto the stain which should be followed with a bit of club soda. This will help to fetch all the stain from carpet and after that rinse this solution with the help of cold water and you have to repeat these steps if required.

  • You have also used borax mixture and water in the ratio of 3 to 1. After that mix these two solutions together to form a paste. After applying this paste rub this paste with the help of toothbrush and allow the mixture to dry on the carpet. At last, flush the area with either club soda or cold water and then soak up.

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Marlin kemi

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Marlin kemi
Joined: November 14th, 2017
Articles Posted: 21

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