What is heartburn and how to get rid of acid reflux

Posted by Refluxmd on February 19th, 2018

Heartburn is a type of digestive disorder due to which the acid in the stomach flushes back into the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the chest. This rushing up of acid in the esophagus is called the acid reflux. It is often assumed that such a disorder occurs due to too much of acid in the stomach. On the contrary, heartburn occurs due to little acid in the stomach.


The common symptoms of heartburn include

  • A burning sensation in the chest behind the breastbone
  • Chest pain after lying down or bending over
  • Burning in the throat
  • Issue in swallowing food
  • A feeling that the food is stuck in the food pipe

Natural Remedy for Heartburn

If you wonder how to get rid of acid reflux, we have a complete list of Natural Remedy for Heartburn

Water: A glass of water can help you raise the pH level in the gut, thus relieving you from the symptoms of heartburn.

Body posture: After consuming meals, standing up straight instead of slouching can bring a huge effect on the heartburn. Such a posture helps the food and acid to stay away from the esophagus. Also, body posture is essential while sleeping. To avoid heartburn while sleeping, one should sleep on sideways with the head, and upper body elevated.

Consume Protein-rich food: The foods that have high protein content gives more pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).Such foods make the LES strong, thus avoiding acid reflux.

Weight control: Keeping control of the weight is very essential. People with obesity experience a pressure on the abdomen and hence the contents of the stomach rush back into the esophagus. It is essential to control the weight and reduces the excess weight to such digestive troubles.

Avoid Smoking: The chemicals in the tobacco are responsible for loosening up the LES. With loose LES, the stomach acid can easily rush up into the esophagus.

Baking Soda: The baking sold is alkaline in nature and hencecan neutralize the acid in the stomach. Mixing half teaspoon baking soda with few lemon drops in half cup of water acts as the best natural remedy for heartburn. Lemon juice is an important ingredient to disperse the gas that baking soda generates on contact with the stomach acids.

Herbs: Several herbs such as caraway, mint, bay, fennel, cumin, horseradish, cinnamon, and much more. Make use of any of these herbs, in every dish that you cook, especially in foods that could result in heartburn.

A type of digestive disorder which causes the stomach acid to rush back into the esophagus is called heartburn. Heartburn generally causes burning sensation in the chest. The other symptoms of heartburn include chest pain and difficulty in swallowing. Individuals can take a natural remedy for heartburn that can help reduce the burning sensation.

Author Bio:

RefluxMD provides an overview of all reflux treatment. If you are looking for Natural Remedy for Heartburn get in touch with us so that we can guide you based on the How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux.

Original source: https://sites.google.com/site/refluxmdguide/what-is-heartburn-and-how-to-get-rid-of-acid-reflux

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