best golf ball review for beginner

Posted by golfer on April 29th, 2018

hi guys Peter Finch here and welcome down to this week's tech Tuesday your weekly look at everything to do with technology in golf it's been relatively quiet on the tech front as far as new releases are concern this week so we're going to have an old-fashioned Q&A I'm going to go through loads of questions which have come in pick five out which may have not been answered before and then answer them really so first question here from Davy Richard on Instagram do you feel amateurs will look at equipment in the wrong direction drive it down to putter should they spend more for a great putter and buy a good use driver  and choose the best golf ball 2018

I think yes it is a case of amateurs looking this in the wrong direction but probably not from the direction that you're thinking about it's another direction if you think about you are roundabout you're going right in the left I don't know where I'm going basically I think a lot of amateurs would benefit from not spending any money on drivers any money on irons anymore it's on putters and spending that money instead on lessons it's a question that does come up quite a lot about people asking what they should be spending their money on as far as golf is concerned and obviously this being tech Tuesday you know will answer your question and I would say puts as a problem point poor and their drivers for many people however however a lot of golfers do think that by spending money on clubs and I get this question a lot as far as one length irons are concerned about people thinking you know it might be the answer people thinking it might be the way to improve their game when in fact it could you know tweak and it could change things it could make things a little bit better but really what's going to make things better is by improving technique overall remember golf clubs are just metal sticks at the end of the day and some of these metal sticks are better than of the metal sticks but it is the person who's swinging that stick around their body which really makes the difference and if your technique isn't adapted properly to swing that metal stick effectively then it doesn't matter what that metal stick is so first of all learn how to swing the metal stick then go get metal sticks

a question here from Preston 10th how are you and Rick second hand Club challenge again this year so yes me and Rick will be doing the second hand Club challenge again this year we are trying to get some dates together for that and it is something which will be coming your way I know a lot of you guys love these videos they would do with golfbidder about the changes in technology and what you can get for your money a lesser price point and use clubs and yes we will be doing again this year this questionnaire from CM beam master 10 opinions on board prices going up again with the new project day and title is soft this is a question I do get asked a fairly lot and this is a question I get asked a lot you know what is the best ball to use and it doesn't event not depend on the individual I use a TP 5 ball which is a pretty low spinning golf ball but it still has decent feel around the cranes I'm sorry to sound like a Bach bath the Bach the back of a golf ball box here and the that is why I found really suits my game the best out of the balls I was trying last year I've not retried since then you know

there may be a better option out there but please bear in mind I don't pay for my golf balls so with all the videos that I do on the channel the equipment companies know that when that equipment comes into my hands when I use it when I show to you guys it's great exposure

I don't pay for that equipment now if I was to pay for those balls I'm a bit tough because I go through a lot of them you know with all the film and all the practicing all the rest of it it's a definite key consideration to bear in mind but there are balls out there at this moment in time for a lower price point that really they would suit many amateurs down to the ground more than buying that premium golf ball because a lot of the times the premium golf balls to get the most out of him you've got to hit them hard you know you've got to hit them consistently as well and in many cases there's golfers who I coach who were off a 10 to 15 handicap who would benefit from playing more of a cheaper ball say pinnacle for example or a trixin Sophia whatever he may be then they would spending cash in loads of money on pro-v ones or TP fives wherever it may be a lot of people tend to turn their noses up at cheaper balls because there is a perception that they are worse balls but in many cases and for many players if you actually analyze the day which they hit their shots those types of golf balls would actually give them more benefit than buying a real premium ball and you will find this a lot with golf and you will find this a lot with companies the prices of the premium products they are going up because there's more margin and companies want to think more money it is as simple as that but do not be afraid of going for the cheaper golf ball don't be afraid of trying stuff this velocity goal I got sent through these Titleist balls to do a giveaway on on Instagram needs to send these out actually but this velocity ball it's a fantastic golf ball and this would suit

many people more than spending loads of loads of money on a you know top of the range tricks and for example or you know in Serb ramp so just be willing to experiment with some of the cheaper balls and I think you might be surprised questionnaire from gareth Gilver a a peerage golf love the content thank you very much smiley face golf like looking at Ted Potter juniors winning what's in the bag so he won at Pebble Beach do you think more players both on tour and the amateur level could benefit by playing with high res rather than long irons and I wouldn't really say that about Tour players you know Tour players do experiment and they will use the clubs that are best for them and they are exposed to the best clubs the best fitters so they will no more than say 15 handicap golf for a club it just plays on the weekends having said that hybrid clubs are still I would say vastly underused by amateurs and if you want to expand on that I will probably say that fairway woods are vastly only used by amateurs as well there are so many good fairway wood clubs out there at this moment in time and rather than playing with a three iron with a four iron with a five iron with a six iron you know getting a seven wood in there getting a twenty six degree hybrid in there will do so many more players the world of good but there is a little bit of stigmatism attached to it you know it's a little bit more macho too pure for iron to strike it down there rather than to get that little hybrid out and just you know dink it down there it is a little bit of an ego thing at times however what a lot of people do fine is when they test our hybrids when they get fitted for hybrids they will perform much better in a wider range of circumstances so yes I would say that on an amateur level certainly hybrids are only used on a professional level I wouldn't really say so you know those guys strike you well enough to be able to use long guys that are full effect

a question here from Niall O'Sullivan speakers on the golf course what side are you on it doesn't personally bother me I've got to be honest I have played a couple of rounds with music blasting out of a buggy certainly in the States and in certain circumstances yeah I don't really mind it I think mostly the time when I go play out when I go play its vlogging or it's practicing or is playing in competitions and none of those really suit themselves to playing music but I think for a social round it certainly wouldn't bother me and it's certainly something that I wouldn't be opposed to you know if I play with someone I think this is a much more American thing than anything else though certainly in the UK I have or I don't think I've ever played with anyone or seen anyone anywhere on any golf course playing music out of a boogie while they play golf for a start there's not really that many bookies used in the UK predominantly people do still walk and if they do have a ride on or a push trolley you know they do tend to try and stay on their feet more than anything else whilst in the States is a very different type of course etiquette at times as far as buggies go so most course is not most courses a lot of courses over there have been built specifically to carry buggies and I've played on courses in the states where physically walking it would be an absolute war of attrition so it's a very different type of setup to a lot of courses but hey if you enjoy it and you want to get your favorite tunes on then absolutely go for it right guys


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Joined: April 29th, 2018
Articles Posted: 1