Sarms Gw501516 Legal Manufacturer with High Purity Gw501516

Posted by 100powder on November 29th, 2018

Sarms Gw501516 Legal Manufacturer with High Purity Gw501516

Usage: It had been investigated as a potential treatment for obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. GW501516 could be used by athletes as an ergogenic performance enhancing drug.The most common use of GW consists of the extreme amount of endurance and recovery increase. The other main use of GW-501516 is to aid in fat loss. GW-501516 has shown to melt away fat at a rapid pace.

What's GW-501516?
GW501516 (also known as GW-501,516, GW1516, GSK-516 and Endurobol)is a PPARδ receptor.It activates the same pathways activated through exercise, including PPARδ and AMP-activated protein kinase.It had been investigated as a potential treatment for obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease.GW501516 has a synergistic effect when combined with AICAR:The combination has been shown to significantly increase exercise endurance in animal studies more than either compound alone.

GW-501516 (GW-1516 or GSK-516) is a drug that acts as a PPAR modulator. GW-501516 activates AMP-activated protein kinase and stimulates glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue, and GW 501516 has been demonstrated to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese men with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome, most likely by stimulating fatty acid oxidation. It has been proposed as a potential treatment for obesity and related conditions, especially when used in conjunction with a synergistic compound AICAR, as the combination has been shown to significantly increase exercise endurance in animal studies.

A PPAR modulator allows the body to use more glucose and to create additional muscle tissue. One of the PPARs is GW-501516. It may be referred to as GW1516 or GSK-516 as well. It can help to reduce and even reverse various problems in men who are obese or that have symptoms of pre-diabetes due to problems with their metabolism. The use of GW-501516 may be a viable treatment for reducing obesity and various conditions that are linked to it.

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