Press Conference

Posted by Winnie Melda on March 13th, 2019

On behalf of the Tuhey Pool and Park Administration, I would like to welcome you all for attending this auspicious occasion organized to rally for sponsorship for Tuhey Pool and Park operations and projects.
The ultimate objective of Tuhey pool and the park is to offer quality services to the clients in the form of fun swim activities for the members of the community as well as visitors. Tuhey pool and park seek to better the lives of other individuals by increasing their personal-social experiences.
Tuhey pool and park welcome any form of assistance from sponsors to boost financially the operations and projects of the amusement site. The act of generosity shows the commitment of the sponsors to the moral obligations of making the community a better place for everybody. Without a doubt improving the Tuhey Pool and Park leads to the development of a strong and happy community that is healthy for business practices.
The sponsors of the park play a critical role in the development of Tuhey pool and park. The Tuhey Pool and Park Administration work together with our sponsors to ensure that they benefit from associating with us. As such Tuhey pool and park, the administration ensures that sponsors stand to gain through exposure to their products to the clients of Tuhey Pool and Park. The number of people using the pool is large and diverse; therefore, the sponsors stand to build upon their brand name in Indiana.
Tuhey pool and park takes pride in the clear and trustworthy operations administered by a management that follows the principles and standards of moral conduct. The generosities of the sponsors do not go to waste as the administration channels the investments to structures and programs that ensure the clients have a fulfilling time at the park. The administration of the amusement site considers the provision of high-quality services to the community over the interests of the organization.

Muncie- Tuhey Pool and Park’s administration declared its need for sponsorship after experiencing a few setbacks in its operations. Tuhey admitted that there were several challenges that within the organization that is making it difficult to run. One such challenge and probably the greatest is accruing the funds needed to operate Tuhey pool in a safe, family-friendly and fiscally sound environment. Tuhey pool and the park are a non-profit organization that runs on the limited resources acquired from donor organizations that sponsor the organization. It makes it difficult to sustain the projects and operations that Tuhey pool and park initiates/executes. The organization is in possession of limited funds that deer expansion of the Tuhey pool and park. The organization also experiences difficulties because the largest percentage of Tuhey Pool and park’s clientele comes from Indiana. The organization also faces difficulties when trying to get people to buy their fit pass.
Tuhey pool and park expressed optimism regardless of the seemingly grim situation of better performance. Through their spokesperson, they indicated that the organization will execute new projects that will increase the efficiency to deliver services and the financial performance of the organization. Tuhey pool and park administration boasted of its clean records and it ability to deliver services by following every moral standard and business ethics to the latter. They revealed that the administration did not misappropriate even e single dime rather they spent it in developing and running the organization. Turley pool and the park also revealed that they made a lot of progress in the infrastructure of the organization thanks to the funds they received from their sponsors. They made it clear that there was room for expansion and the delivery of quality services to the customers of Tuhey pool and park.
Tuhey pool and park’s administration spokesman also acknowledged the sponsors in the congregation and the contributions they made to the organization. He expressed his gratitude to these entities and individuals for the support they give Tuhey pool and park. He encouraged them to keep on contributing to the organization as part of their moral obligation to the community and also out of good will. He requested that other organizations take part in the noble gesture and contribute to Tuhey pool and park. Te spokesman revealed that the sponsors stand to benefit from the relationship with Tuhey pool and park. He suggested several advantageous positions that an organization acquires through sponsoring Tuhey pool and park’s programs. First of all he indicated that Tuhey pool and the park allows the organizations to market their brand name by supplying t-shirts and swimming equipment with the organization's logo. Tuhey pool and the park also advocates for the products of its sponsors. He assured the organizations that Tuhey pool and the park has a significant population that uses its facilities. The spokesman also revealed that organizations can utilize the moment to foster interactions with other organizations that would work tremendously for them.

Back Grounder
Tuhey Pool and Park
Tuhey pool began offering services to the public on July 17, 1934. At the time, Tuhey pool and the park were the among the largest pool complexes within the state. Tuhey pool existed as the sole community pool for decades. It gets run by Cardinal Aquatics and Wellness (CAW) a non-profit organization. Tuhey pool and the park continue to depict growth and expansion since its beginning. The current pool in the Tuhey pool and park is an emergent product of renovations made to the bath house in 2009. Further modifications brought about the development of a new and larger bathhouse in 2011. There are big organizations and individuals that sponsor Tuhey pool and park. These organizations and individuals handle the major advances observed in Tuhey pool and park. The architects positioned the path house on the of the north side of the pool, just northwest of the original bath house. The pool faces many challenges but among the most striking is the change in weather that dictates the dates and seasons of service. Tuhey pool and park have large numbers of clients that get classified based on their ages as such the tickets vary based on their age groups. The pool and park have recorded an attendance of approximately twenty thousand adolescents and adults. The pool faces competition from other residential pools in Muncie such as Catalina Swim Club, Halteman Swim Club, and the Downtown YMCA. There are other private organizations that have outdoor swimming pools that pose a challenge for Tuhey pool and park.

Op-ed or opinion editorial
Opinion on Tuhey Pool and Park
By Keith Roysdon and Douglas Walker (Roysdon& Walker, 2015)
The Muncie offices and Mayor Dennis Tyler have launched projects like large-ticket in Muncie, but there are no indications of further improvements such as the development of a dome over the Tuhey pool. However, there are many improvements on Tuhey pool witnessed by the residents of Muncie such as the introduction of a pool heater and the pleasing kind features. It is imminent that the mayor and the superintendent (Harvey Wright) have major plans for Tuhey pool and them
During the same meeting, the Mayor Tyler expressed confidence in the pool's financial conditions. He compared the pool with others in Indiana that worked for profit and did not cater for the operation co. The superintendent revealed new prospects for improvement of the pool that is the possibility of installing awning-type makeup to offer more shade in grassy areas of Tuhey Park near the pool. “Substantial areas could be shaded for less than , 000,” he said.
These improvements are necessary to the pool and are proving to have tremendous benefits to the operations of the organization; however, some people believe it is about time the administration introduces a dome over the pool. Nevertheless, the administration turned down the proposition on the basis that it was too expensive.
By Todd (Smekens, 2013)
It is utterly wrong to think that the changes that occurred to Muncie would cause Tuhey pool to lose its significance since it existed as the only community pool for many years. The closure of the Tuhey pool attracted the attention of community-focused organizations. Many other entities involved themselves with the renovations because they were conversant of the significance of Tuhey pool.
The pool requires an excellent management system that can operate a seasonal pool through thorough planning and preparation for the summer swim season. As such Cardinal Aquatics & Wellness (CAW), a 501c(3) non-profit organization was developed to carry out these functions. The organization has two missions that are operating a safe, family oriented and fiscally responsible pool in partnership with the community. The second mission is to develop a feasibility study to extend the swim season beyond its current period. The current management of the organization needs to introduce more measures to increase the chances of Tuhey pool succeeding.
So, what will Tuhey Pool & Park add this summer?
The Ball Brothers Foundation presented Tuhey pool with a generous gift of 0 thousand. A new splash pad got added to the pool area this winter and will offer water fountains spurting from the ground that is guaranteed to be a huge attraction for the age five and under crowd. The officers of CAW worked meticulously during the offseason to gunner bids for a pool heater to prolong the swimming period by ensuring warm pool water during the day. It is possible for swim lessons provided by Cardinal Swim Club to begin on the first dau rather than waiting until late June or early July. All patrons will benefit from a heated pool and increased lessons will help defray the costs of operating the pool. A pool cover will save a lot of money in dollars spent on chemical costs for taxpayers by preventing heat and evaporation loss on a daily basis. Conservative estimates that the cover will pay for itself after some time. The sponsors will benefit from incredible recognition over the summer at the pool and throughout the community. As stated earlier Tuhey is more than a place to swim. It’s where all four corners of the community can come together to make a positive impact on our youth, parents, and seniors in Muncie, and Delaware County.

Hamermesh, L. A., & American Bar Association. (2009). Public company organizational documents: Model forms and commentary. Chicago, Ill: American Bar Association, Business Law Section.

Roysdon, K., & Walker, D., (2015). W/R: No dome for city's Tuhey Pool – yet.

Smekens, T., (2013). Tuhey Pool is More Than Swimming.

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Winnie Melda

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Winnie Melda
Joined: December 7th, 2017
Articles Posted: 364

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