Don’t Go Overboard on Baby Stuff

Posted by snoozybees on June 1st, 2019

Finding out you’re having a baby is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a couple. The thought of bringing a life into the world and caring for it can make you feel whole. With this feeling, a lot of parents can go overboard and want to buy anything and everything for their new child. A room full of diapers stacked to the ceilings, all new baby clothes, socks, and shoes filling the drawers can be expected of over-excited parents. Although buying the best baby swaddle blanket for your new one is a great idea, it’s important to remember that babies may need a lot but there are a lot of things that won’t do them any good.  

Baby Clothes and Shoes

Newborn babies need clothes, but it is extremely important to remember that they’ll grow out of them soon. It’s a good idea to buy a few outfits in each size, or just wait until they’re almost out of their old clothes to buy them new outfits. The growth rate of babies is so rapid that one week they may be wearing 0-3-month clothing and the next week they can completely jump in size and wear 6-month clothes. Buying baby shoes are almost pointless in the beginning. Baby feet also need space to develop, so it’s a better idea to just have your baby in socks or barefoot at first. Also, your newborn won’t be walking any time soon so that’s something to remember.

Baby Electronics

A newborn doesn’t need a gaming system or cell phone or any electronics at that point in their lives. Buying a baby a tablet at a young age doesn’t help with their brain development and having a room full of electronics can actually be harmful to your child. Babies only need the essentials, like maybe a nightlight and of course a baby monitor. Outside of the essentials, there is literally no reason that a newborn baby needs a new PlayStation. If someone decides to gift one to you, you should return it to use the money on something your baby actually needs. Or you can keep it as a gift to yourself, your choice.

Buying the best baby swaddle blanket for your newborn and other essentials are exactly what your baby needs, nothing more. It’s overwhelming to think about buying stuff that your baby will probably never use so even though it may be exciting, it’s probably a good idea to tone down and get just the essentials. 

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Joined: June 1st, 2019
Articles Posted: 1