What Happens During a Prolotherapy Treatment

Posted by HJ on June 22nd, 2019

Prolotherapy is a form of treatment for patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions. The procedure is considered an alternative medicine practice. This article will explain what prolotherapy is and how it works in detail. Toronto PRP Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Overview of Prolotherapy


Prolotherapy involves repeated injections of a mild irritant into the injured area of the body, typically around joint areas. The injection usually contains saline, dextrose, and a numbing agent known as lidocaine. After the injection, the body will start healing, which leads to healthier cells and recovered joints and connective tissue. You should also feel less pain, gain more strength, and have less difficulty moving the injured joint.

It should be noted that prolotherapy is different from platelet-rich plasma injections or stem cell therapy. That is because both types of therapies are made up of elements acquired from your own blood. As prolotherapy injections are foreign substances, there is a slightly higher risk associated with this type of treatment. That being said, the risks are considered small. Moreover, prolotherapy is also not the same as cortisone injections, as the latter is used for treating the symptoms, not stimulating the body to heal.

Uses of Prolotherapy


There is a wide range of conditions that can be treated by prolotherapy. These may include knee and ankle pain, back and neck pain, whiplash, tendinitis, degenerative disc disease, meniscal tears, osteoarthritis, IT band syndrome, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, rotator cuff tears, plantar fasciitis, among others.

Your doctor will perform diagnostic tests, talk through your medical history with you, and order lab work. This will help them determine whether you are suitable for prolotherapy. Keep in mind that your condition is not the same as other patients, and your pain will be different from those with the same diagnosis, which is why a treatment plan specific for you will be required. After your injury or condition is evaluated, your doctor will suggest a treatment plan unique to your needs and goals.

What Happens During a Prolotherapy Treatment


A prolotherapy procedure usually takes around half an hour. Your skin in the injured area will be cleaned and applied with lidocaine cream. Then, the doctor will give the injection. Following the injection, you may have to use heat packs on the area for around ten to fifteen minutes. After the treatment, you may experience some symptoms such as swelling, stiffness, or bruising. These are perfectly normal, and they should disappear not long after.

Studies on Prolotherapy


There are polarizing opinions on this alternative therapy within the scientific research community. This is mostly due to the fact that, until recently, there were only a few quality clinical studies to substantiate the effectiveness of the treatment. Also, there were questions concerning the potential long-term effects of prolotherapy as well.

A systematic review of previously published research on dextrose prolotherapy was conducted in 2016. The review suggested that prolotherapy is a suitable treatment for tendon injuries, osteoporosis, as well as pain in the spine and pelvis from ligament dysfunction. While there are some risks associated with prolotherapy, most people have found the treatment to be safe and effective.

If you’re looking for Prolotherapy in Toronto, get in touch with us today for a free consultation!

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Joined: June 22nd, 2019
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