What is the responsive web design and what are the advantages?

Posted by John Smith on July 5th, 2019

Responsive construction website design is a web design technique whose objective is that a site can be viewed on different devices, adapting the contents to the size of each screen. It is also known as adaptive design.

Due to the growing use of mobile devices to access the internet, both to navigate and to interact and even buy, responsive web design is becoming increasingly important.

What is responsive web design?

The adaptable school website design web design, known by the acronym RWD does not consist in making a mobile version of a site. The responsive web design tries to resize and place the elements of the website so that they adapt to each device. This allows everything to be displayed correctly.

In other words, the responsive design consists of preparing the structure of a website so that it is able to adapt the contents both to the size and resolution of the screen and to the type of device from which they are being viewed, whether computer, tablet, and smartphone.

Responsive web design uses style sheets in CSS3, which use the media query attribute to convert a normal web into a cross-platform web that can be adapted to all sizes and devices. Media queries are a series of commands that indicate to the HTML document how it should behave in different screen resolutions.

Advantages of responsive web design:

Converting a web into a multiplatform site thanks to responsive dental website design web design has many advantages. The most important are the following:

1. Improve user experience:

That a user can access the contents from any device and that these contents are displayed correctly improves their experience.

Good user experience improves the brand image and increases the bounce rate on a website. In addition, it encourages interaction, subscribing to newsletters and, in the case of e-commerce sites, also sales.

2. Avoid content duplication:

The mobile versions of the websites required the duplication of content, which seriously harms SEO. Responsive web design does not require the content to be created again since what it does is reorganize the existing content so that it is displayed better.

3. Reduction of web development and maintenance costs:

To create a site with responsive web design you only need a template for all platforms, which reduces costs compared to the option to create a version for smartphones and even another for tablets. It also reduces maintenance costs, since it is enough to modify the main template so that it takes effect in the visualization from all the devices.

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John Smith

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John Smith
Joined: June 21st, 2014
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