Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Oxidative Stress – Boost Your Body With Antioxidants

Posted by Nutritionist Consultation on September 12th, 2019

1. Excess Iron Overload

Iron is essential for our body but the excess of it has been found to have reverse impacts on one’s health. If you have been experiencing signs of oxidative damage, it is advised to check out the impacts associated with the excess of iron present in the body.

The same has been found to have impacts in inducing some of the chronic diseases like diabetes and even cardiovascular diseases.

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The primary mode of action of induction of these diseases in the body has been found to occur because of the production of excess hydroxyl ions in the body which further contribute to oxidative stress in the body.

Symptoms of Oxidative Stress

You wouldn’t technically realize this but the impacts of oxidative stress are very profound. They won’t necessarily have impacts on the body right from the get-go but the same has been found to have impacts in the long run.

This is the reason why you must do look out for the signs and symptoms altogether to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Some of the noticeable symptoms of oxidative stress include:

  • Fatigue
  • Constant irritation and unwillingness
  • Chronic diseases
  • Inflammation
  • Cancer (in the long run)
  • Cardiovascular diseases

How To Reduce Oxidative Stress?

If you have been struggling to get things aligned for your health, you must keep certain factors in mind. You can’t necessarily reduce your oxidative stress if you don’t even know the ways to reverse this condition.

Finding effective changes that you can make in your lifestyle can help in bringing forth better changes in your life. You must focus on the changes that you can introduce in your life effectively.

To help you out, we are going to suggest some of the natural ways to get rid of oxidative stress.

1. Avoid the Consumption of Processed Foods

Processed food and even refined carbs have been found to have negative impacts on the body. Given that our body breaks down the sugars to gain better energy, the same has been found to have an impact on the body’s overall level of oxidative stress.

The more the breaking down of the sugars, the more likely we are going to experience the rise in the oxidation in the body.

Additionally, the consumption of frequent meals has also been found to have effective impacts in heightening the oxidative stress (R) in the body which further ends up causing negative impacts even more so.

This is the primary reason why you must keep an eye out on the amount of processed food that you are consuming. Don’t go ham with the consumption and try and keep the same in check.

2. Exercise More Often

It might not seem like a lot but exercising has been found to have beneficial impacts to get rid of oxidative stress. For the most part, it has been found to enhance the oxidative stress when you just start with it but doing so regularly can most definitely help in boosting the overall levels of free radicals in the body.

Not just that, frequent exercising (R) and an active lifestyle have also been found to have beneficial impacts in enhancing the antioxidant reserves in the body to further facilitate your overall well being.

You must keep an eye out on the overall prospects of the kind of training that you are indulging in because at the end of the day that is what that matters in the long haul.

3. Consume more Vitamin C

The only way to reverse oxidative stress is to ensure that you enhance the consumption of Vitamin C regularly. The main reason why it is effective is that it is enriched with antioxidative properties which keeps the levels of excess free radicals in check in the body.

This itself is what has been found to have amazing impacts in helping boost the overall well being of an individual without check and keep the levels of oxidative stress in check as well.

It has been found to help in curbing the kind of impacts which is imposed by the unnecessary bout of the reactive oxygen species in the body and thus helping out with the condition even more so.

The best sources of Vitamin C that you can gain from the natural food sources include lemons, berries, broccoli, cabbage, snow peas, papaya, pineapple and the whole lot.

4. Curb the infections

Infections are yet another one of the common causes that disrupt the overall well being and immunity of the individual.

The repercussions of the condition don’t just stop there and do have the possibility of inflicting further negative impacts that you don’t even know about. The best way to curb this issue is by ensuring that you do the needful to keep the infections in check.

There are several ways in which you can do so, including consuming more fruits and vegetables and increasing the consumption of foods that are enriched with beneficial antioxidants in them.

5. Consume More Mushrooms

While not many people like the taste or the texture of the mushrooms, they have been found to have amazing impacts in helping boost the overall levels of antioxidants in the body which can have further beneficial impacts on the betterment.

The main antioxidant in the mushrooms, ergothioneine is believed to be one of the most powerful and effective antioxidants which can most definitely come in handy for the overall prospects of how it can prevent the risks associated with cancer and even HIV.

It is highly active when the levels of oxidative stress in the body are at its highest peak, thus further helping prevent the risks and such completely. The oyster mushrooms do have the maximum amount of ergothioneine in them.

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Nutritionist Consultation

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Nutritionist Consultation
Joined: September 11th, 2019
Articles Posted: 19

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