Does a VPN use data?

Posted by freemexy on September 23rd, 2019

If four letters could sum up the modern world, “data” would be pretty close to the mark. @$#f4
We’re constantly told that this is the age of Big Data and that our “data selves” are as important as our bodies and minds. And we’re also advised to keep our data closely protected, with good reason. Data breaches can ruin our finances and lead to identity theft, so it’s advice worth taking.
virtual private network (VPNs) are top of the list when it comes to data security. But how do these apps use data? Are they data hogs for mobile devices, and will they have an impact on your data bills?
This blog will explain all you need to know about VPN data usage. Hopefully, we can dispel some myths and set matters straight, helping you find the best VPN for your security needs.
Does a VPN use data?
VPNs are intended to encrypt the data you send and to anonymize your online identity. These features lead some people to argue that VPNs can hide the amount of data you use from ISPs or mobile providers.
This could potentially open the way to lower bills while working around the data capping policies used by many ISPs as part of their tiered payment structures.
But is it true? Well, one thing needs to be understood straight away: the answer to the question of “does VPN use data” is: yes. Encrypted traffic from VPNs must pass through your ISP’s servers before it can be processed by VPN servers. That’s just an unavoidable aspect of the web’s architecture.
When your data flows through your ISP or mobile company’s servers, it won’t be possible to find out what it contains. You can rely on your VPN to encrypt information. But VPN data usage is much harder to conceal.
Your ISP will be able to monitor the raw amount of data you are sending and receiving. So in theory, your bills shouldn’t be reduced or increased by VPN usage. But that’s not exactly the whole story.

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