Why Speech Therapy Is An Essential Service Provided By Full Time Nursing Homes

Posted by Max Ruby on October 8th, 2019

Person Holding a Stress Ball

Most people understand that as we age it is important to keep up a schedule of physical and motor skill training to help the body keep running to a reasonable standard. One of the lesser recognized or understood therapies which you will notice is offered by a growing body of full-time residential nursing care facilities is speech therapy. Often believed to be simply to assist people who have suffered some degree of neurological damage following a stroke or serious impact injury, speech therapy is actually an essential part of helping counteract the aging process. 

Speech therapy - even just a couple of sessions per week - can be a huge asset towards ensuring that your loved one is able to grow into their later years while retaining the ability to communicate and interact with others effectively. Here is an explanation of the process and what to expect from care homes which offer these services.


Initial Evaluation


Referrals towards speech therapy are usually prompted by loved ones who recognize that an elder is beginning to struggle not just with speaking/communicating (mixing up words, repeating themselves, etc) but also slowing in regards to their comprehension of what other people are saying. Nursing Care professionals need to rule out other potential causes such as medicine, dehydration or mental health issues during an initial evaluation. Once it is established that aging is apparently the cause of this decline - and how/when the problem is at its worst - they will be able to tailor a personal coaching therapy that ought to be able to make a significant improvement. 


More Than Learning How To Communicate Again


It is simple to pigeonhole speech therapy as being simply a case of helping elderly individuals regain their communication skills by having someone to talk to. While addressing potential causes such as isolation and lack of others to speak with, speech problems can cause complications with a number of other aspects of personal care. For instance, people who have declined speech skills may struggle to manage their daily routines, including their finances, care programs, personal relationships and a host of other difficulties which most people take for granted. Speech therapy is just as much concerned about assisting people to remain involved in aspects of their own care and lifestyle, encouraging self-confidence and personal awareness.


Speech Therapy Has Proven Physical Results


Do not just expect a person to be able to become more comprehensive and emotionally responsive by simply chatting with a therapist. Skilled professionals employed at residential homes can assist both short term and long term residents to effectively use their speech tools. As the body ages, vocal cords and larynx muscles weaken significantly. In some cases, this can present physical reasons which limit an individual's ability to communicate comfortably. Speech therapy cannot repair the decline caused by aging but can most certainly help coach people to use different and stronger parts of their vocal system instead. The improvements can be quite remarkable after just a few tailored sessions.


Consider Elder Care Therapies As A Unified Process


The best therapy services offered in both a part-time and full-time nursing care facility will look towards delivering physical therapies as part of a tailored individual program. It is no coincidence that those who are helped towards remaining physically fit, active, and involved with other people tend to be those who age in better emotional and physical health. Speech therapy is incorporated into rehabilitative and ongoing fitness programs where specifically required. One example could be the use of vocal instructions and engagement during Neurogym sessions which look to unify the entire body's reflexes and motor ability. Cognition is just as important as comprehension for effective speech therapy, so make sure any nursing home you are considering offers these services in-house. 

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Max Ruby

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Max Ruby
Joined: February 27th, 2019
Articles Posted: 43

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