Bingo Sets

Posted by Nick Niesen on October 26th, 2010

Bingo is a very popular game all around the world. A few years ago bingo was associated with smoke-filled bingo halls and the elderly. Today this picture has changed dramatically. The new trend for old and young, male and female is to play online bingo.

All bingo lovers know that one of the essentials every player should have is their own bingo set. This bingo set can be used regularly on family vacations, visits with friends or even serve as an exhibition piece.

A typical bingo set will contain bingo cards, markers or chips, a cage with bingo balls, a bingo bag and a master board. But as the needs and demands of players change the contents of these sets change.

There are many types of bingo sets available, for example recreational, professional, home and double bingo sets. In short, there is a set to suit every player.

Before players buy bingo sets, they should decide whether they want to buy a 90 ball or a 75 ball game. The 90 ball game are played mostly in the United Kingdom and the 75 ball game in the United States.

The next step would be to choose between a set with bingo cards and markers, or shutter cards. If players prefer the bingo set with the markers, they will have to replace their cards regularly because players will mark off their numbers on the cards. There are many internet sites that allow players to create their own, randomly generated, cards. The other option is to buy sets with shutter cards or chips. This way all players have to do is simply slide the shutter or the chip over the number to mark it off and cards can be used again.

The two most popular types of bingo sets are sets with wooden balls and sets with plastic balls. Most sets contains a bingo cage in which the balls are placed. The cage is used to mix the balls and to randomly generate the next number for the caller to call.

Bingo sets are definitely not drab and boring. Many themed sets are available. The themes vary from Hello Kitty to Elvis, with pattern-printed cards and suitable markers.

Other popular bingo sets are bridal shower or baby shower bingo sets. Instead of numbers, these sets contain pictures and other baby or bridal items. Popular sets for children are maths, bible, animal and language bingo.

Playing bingo, whether it is playing on a website or in a hall or with a bingo set at home, is lots of fun. Not only is it a great form of relaxation, it is according to studies good for the mind!

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Nick Niesen

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Nick Niesen
Joined: April 29th, 2015
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