How to Optimize a Google My Business Listing

Posted by mokshattri on October 25th, 2019

SEO is expensive, competitive, and hard. Google My Business is mainly a free tool offered by Google for business owners to manage how their information is listed in search. So, with Google My Business, you can manage your location on Google maps, the knowledge graph, and online reviews. If you have a local SEO solutions business, you will definitely want to set up your business location on Google My Business so people can find you when they search in Google Maps.

When people basically do a search in Google, they’ll see a map and a list of the top three local listings that are nearby, before they see any other results.

For local businesses, it’s always equally important make sure that your Google My Business Listing is optimized. So, here’s how to optimize your Google My Business listing:

1. Always set up your Google Business Listing (if you haven’t yet).

The first step is mainly to set up (or claim) your Google My Business Listing. Always go to Google’s My Business page and click “Start Now” in the upper left corner. And then fill in every relevant field that Google offers. You really want to make sure the profile is as complete as possible and that every piece of information is accurate.

2. Choose a relevant, specific category.

The category you always choose will help Google decide which searches your local listing belongs in. so, you have to choose from the list of available categories, you can’t create your own. If there’s not a specific category that describes what your business is, settle on a more general one that still describes it accurately.

3. Load quality, high-resolution images.

Photos mainly help your listing to stand out and give potential customers a glimpse of what to expect.  So, always make sure you use high-quality images that make your business look good and show off your products (if you sell physical products).

4. Make sure your information matches everywhere else.

One thing Google’s algorithm mainly looks at to verify the legitimacy of a listing is a consistency in how it’s listed across different websites. While that seems simple enough – your address is the same each time you enter it somewhere – it’s easy for little differences to slip in. Maybe you wrote out the Road part of the street name one time, and shortened it to Rd another time, for instance.

Local SEO solution take some time and work, but the payoff can be big. You want to be easy to find when someone in your city is looking for what you sell, and Google is the best way to get in front of your customers at that exact moment. So, don’t let the opportunity slip by because you didn’t take the time to properly optimize your Google My Business listing.

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