Which Vitamin Deficiencies Lead to Hair Loss?

Posted by James Kerry on February 22nd, 2020

It’s always important to partake in a healthy and nutritious diet especially if you want to keep your hair healthy. Indeed, when you lack certain vitamins, you’re bound to see your hair weaken or even fall off over time. So, which actual vitamin deficiency causes hair loss? You might be wondering. Here’s a discussion on that.

Vitamin D

This is a highly important vitamin as it plays a pivotal role in the stimulation of cell growth. Ultimately, a lack of it can slow down the production of new hair follicles. Fortunately, you can always replenish its supplies in your body by getting adequate exposure to sunlight and also through your food intake.

It’s generally recommended to get 15 micrograms of this vitamin per day or 20 micrograms if you’re above 70 years of age.


Also known as Vitamin B7 or B8, this is an important vitamin as far as hair growth is concerned. That’s because it plays a key role in the management of metabolic processes in the body. Besides that, it plays a primary role in the use of amino acids, carbs, and fats in the body.

The water-soluble vitamin is needed in the body if you’re to grow healthy hair. A shortage of it may lead to hair loss.

Biotin plays a key role in the synthesis of keratin. That partly explains why it’s thought to help in hair and nail growth.

The vitamin can easily be obtained by taking a balanced diet and also by using a biotin-rich supplement.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Although not directly involved in the hair growth process, Niacin plays a central role in the improvement of hair and scalp appearances. It’s no wonder it’s such a common feature in topical hair products.

If your scalp and hair roots fail to get enough of it, they’d probably become resource-deprived and lose their shine. Another thing worth noting is that Vitamin B3 is involved in the movement of blood and can affect the oxygen supply to your scalp.

Poor blood supply to the scalp may impact their hair growth process. That’s why it’s important to not only eat foods that are rich in niacin but also massage topical products with the vitamin on the scalp.

Vitamin C

You really cannot underestimate the important role played by Vitamin C in the body. Most importantly, this is a powerful antioxidant that indeed plays a central role in easing oxidative stress on body cells.

You see, given factors such as pollution, low quality of food, etc., you’re bound to end up with toxic elements in the body. Those are generally referred to as free radicals and can significantly affect your well-being if unchecked.

Routine vitamin C supplementation can help tone down the effects of free radicals. And by doing that, this vitamin can boost the rate at which your hair cells absorb nutrients that are necessary for healthy hair growth. Such nutrients may include iron, zinc among others.

Final Thoughts

Vitamin deficiency is thought of as a leading cause of hair loss. Fortunately, you can get most of these vitamins through a healthy diet. It’s, therefore, important to make healthy food choices and when necessary, supplementation can be of help.

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James Kerry

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James Kerry
Joined: February 15th, 2020
Articles Posted: 3

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