E-Cigarette Industry to Increase Four-Fold by 2014

Posted by vapouriz on August 1st, 2012

Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the US considering assets, providing a variety of financial services and operating branches around the world, reports that the e-cigarette industry has grown by over four times in the last four years. A survey conducted by Wells Fargo Securities Tobacco Talk on the e-cigarette (which was once considered a passing fad) industry reveals that it has expanded to $300 million including revenues from retail. Furthermore, the survey expects it to grow up to $1 billion in the next couple of years. In addition to that, 30,000 retailers of tobacco voted in favour of e-cigarettes being here to stay rather than just being a passing fad.

What is an E-Cigarette

An e cig atomizer consists of three main components- a cartridge containing flavour, a lithium battery (rechargeable) and an atomizer that vaporizes the liquefied flavour contained in the cartridge. A combination of flavoured vapour and nicotine vapour is inhaled by the user as ‘smoke’. The nicotine and flavour is absorbed by the body, leaving out only harmless water vapour in the exhaled smoke.

E-cigarettes are meant to stimulate the user's body with the normal smoking sensation. At the same time it prevents the body from being exposed to the harmful chemicals and substances that cause cancer, normally found in a traditional cigarette. The smoke exhaled from the e-cigarette is free of foul odour and mainly consists of water-vapour. There is also no need of disposing the cigarette-butt. This makes the e-cigarette beneficial from both the perspectives of personal health and the environment. It's mechanism being a lot like traditional cigarettes, also makes e-cigarettes the preferred alternative to traditional cigarettes with tobacco, rather than nicotine patches or gums.

Smokers Increasingly Favouring E-Cigarette as an Alternative

At present, there are over 2.5 million people using e-cigarettes and the number is expected to continue rising. The Tobacco Vapour E-Cigarette Association expects the number to increase four-folds by the middle of 2014.

According to interviews given by various ex-smokers to CBS news (an American news channel), numerous instances can be seen where chain-smokers have opted to use e-cigarettes instead of continuing with their habit. Many ex chain-smokers have opted for best electronic cigarette due to rising health-concerns that included weight issues, coronary problems and respiratory system issues. The e-cigarette is poised to become a tool that starts a revolution regarding public health. As people become more concerned about their health, the e-cigarette market is about to see growth that would be directly proportional to those concerns.

About the Author:

This Article is written by Brett Horth, Director and Head of Client SEO Strategy at Evolve Digital Media. He is also associated with Vapouriz Limited. The electric cigarettes atomizer offered by Vapouriz Limited provides you an effective nicotine delivery in indoor environments, and also free of smoke, tar and tobacco. They have the Great range of premium e cig atomizer and e cig cartridge!

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