Curing Prostate Cancer with the Best Cancer Treatment Options

Posted by Prostateseedinstitute on April 23rd, 2013

Treatment for prostate cancer depends on a number of factors. Medical organizations state that treatments for prostate cancer are recommended depending on individual requirements. Specialists will look at all these factors and discuss with their patients which treatments will help the most. They will also inform their patients about the side effects and advantages of each treatment. This will help the patient know what he will be going through during the treatment.

There are different stages and grades of prostate cancer, which forms the basis of treatment. Apart from this, doctors sometimes have different opinions about treatment. Most cancer doctors will look at all the test results to determine the best treatment options that will prove to be beneficial to their patients.

Low risk localized prostate cancer

Low risk localized prostate cancer grows extremely slow and does not show any notable symptoms. Doctors most likely suggest active monitoring in this case. Treatments for prostate cancer generally cause long term side effects; hence doctors avoid any harsh treatments until required. However, if cancer is diagnosed, your doctor will suggest treatments like surgery, radiotherapy cryotherapy, high frequency ultra sound therapy or harmonetherapy, depending on each patient’s situation.

Intermediate risk localized prostate cancer

Intermediate risk prostate cancer may start to grow or spread within a short period of time and doctors will most likely suggest treatments such as – surgery removal of prostate or external radiotherapy to the prostate.

Surgery and radiotherapy are the best treatment options for curing prostate cancer, but they have their respective benefits, risks, and side effects. Other treatment options that you may be offered are active monitoring or internal radiotherapy. If radiotherapy is suggested, then doctors may also administer hormone therapy during the course of the treatment. Cryotherapy may also be suggested.

High risk localized prostate cancer

High risk prostate cancer may start and spread within a couple of years and doctors normally suggest treatment with surgery or external radiotherapy to the prostate. Men who take radiotherapy may also require hormone therapy during the course of treatment. Some men may not be fit enough to undergo surgery or take radiotherapy, in such cases doctors recommend watchful waiting or hormone therapy.

Locally advanced prostate cancer

Locally advanced prostate cancer is where the cancer cells have broken through the capsule and surround the prostate gland. The usual treatment for this type of prostate cancer is surgery or external radiotherapy which can be combined with hormone therapy to fight cancer. Hormone therapy is taken before radiotherapy for 3 to 6 months. Men whose Gleason score is higher than 8 normally take hormone therapy for at least 2 years after the completion of the radiotherapy. Men who are not fit enough for surgery or radiotherapy may have to take a course of hormone therapy.

Treatment choices for prostate cancer that has spread

Prostate cancer cannot be cured if it has spread to other parts of the body. However, it can be controlled by reducing testosterone levels in the body with the help of Hormone Therapy. Hormone therapy can be taken as

· Tablets every day

· Injections every month or every 3 months

· Tablets for a few months, then a break, followed by more tablets and so on

Apart from this, testicles can be removed as one of the treatment options. This is called surgical castration or orchidectomy.

Hormone therapy can control the cancer for a few years, but if the cancer starts to develop again, doctors may suggest treatments like chemotherapy or steroids. Each problem has an effective solution to it, so does cancer. However, it is highly important to find a good doctor so that he can treat you with proper care and empathy.

About the Author:
The Prostate Seed Institute has treated over 4000 men suffering from prostate cancer using prostate seed implant therapy. Dr. Gregory Echt, a prostate cancer specialist is among the top radiation oncologists performing prostate seed implant procedures in the United States for the treatment of prostate cancer.

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