More about emboliza??o de mioma uterino and emboliza??o de tumor hep?tico

Posted by AmandaTom on June 18th, 2013

Finding out that you have an abnormal growth, like a hepatic tumor or an uterine fibroid can be devastating news, but you shouldn’t let it overwhelm you. Modern medicine has gotten to a very advanced level, where many diseases that were previously thought to be fatal are now being cured. Medical science is still evolving and adapting every day, so you need to keep yourself educate about different medical techniques and treatments, so that you can effectively communicate with your medical professional and work together to realize the best treatment plan for your particular case. Keep reading to find out more about how modern surgical techniques like embolização de mioma uterino and embolização de tumor hepático can help treat significant illnesses, without leaving the patient to deal with extensive and painful recuperation periods.

Embolização de mioma uterino and embolização de tumor hepático are both endoscopic embolization surgical techniques. They rely on the same basic principle, which is to deposit drug particles inside a vein or artery in order to block the supply of blood to an infected or damaged area. Embolização de mioma uterino and embolização de tumor hepático are both performed through a catheter—a long tube—which is inserted through the patient’s groin and guided to the relevant artery or vein. These surgical techniques use the process of embolization—which happens naturally, when thrombus materials, air bubbles or fat globules transported through the blood flow become lodged in a vein, blocking off blood supply—in order to treat a number of medical conditions, with a high degree of success.

Endoscopic embolization is used to treat benign growths, like uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids do not usually pose a significant health problem for women, and many times they are asymptomatic. They are easily detectable during physical examinations performed by a gynecologist, and they can be better defined using Ultrasonography. Uterine fibroids can start to cause severe symptoms like increased bleeding and pelvic pains and, if they grow excessively, they can compress other organs. If they compress the bladder the patient will experience urinary changes; If they affect the rectum, the patient will experience the effects of constipation.

There are two consecrated surgical techniques dealing with uterine fibroids: Myectomies deal with removing, or excising the uterine fibroid, and hysterectomies deal with excising the patient’s uterus altogether. As an alternative surgical treatment, embolização de mioma uterino is a minimally invasive procedure with a high rate of success, which aims to remove the problem while keeping the patient’s fertility and her uterus.

The major advantages of endoscopic procedures like embolização de mioma uterino and embolização de tumor hepático relate to the postoperative period. While classic surgical techniques used to treat tumors or uterine fibroids pose a big strain on the patient’s body, as they are open surgeries, they also require a prolonged recovery period, often fraught with pain for the patient. Embolização de mioma uterino and embolização de tumor hepático offer patients a shorter recovery period with less pain, which is always important.

You have to lead the fight for your general health and well-being by getting educated about treatment options—find out more about embolização de tumor hepático and embolização de mioma uterino so you can better communicate with the medical professionals in charge of your case.

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