Posted by Dr. Ashutosh Sonawane on November 24th, 2020

Diabetes is one of the common medical diseases during pregnancy. Irrespective of the kind of diabetes, it is essential to learn control and obtain guidance on your diabetic journey. Women that are preparing to conceive must be careful because the consequences of high blood glucose levels are harmful to the baby. Conceiving babies as a pregnant woman can be difficult and asking however, it is not abnormal for diabetic women to birth healthy children provided they are dedicated to a diet and work hard towards it.

Here are some tips before deciding to get pregnant.

  • Build a health care team
  • Create a plan to manage blood sugar levels
  • Frequent contact with a health care provider to monitor the baby’s health
  • Take advice for a healthy meal plan
  • Ensure proper nutrition to balance blood sugar levels
  • Discuss the type of medications
  • Seek guidance from high-risk specialists

Here are some preconception meodificans to one’s lifestyle

Reach ideal body weight: it is essential to work towards maintaining a specific bodyweight to reduce the risk of diabetes complications. It is also important to gain weight in case the mother to be is underweight to decrease the risk of delivering a child of low weight.

Blood Sugar screening:: A stable blood sugar level defines the health of the mother during pregnancy. Particularly before becoming pregnant, one must consult with an expert doctor to assure steady blood sugar levels. High Blood sugar levels in the initial stages of pregnancy can cause birth defects and if it goes out of control can also cause a miscarriage. It is advisable to be screened to identify diabetic complications.

Lifestyle Modifications: for those that consume alcohol and smoke, these would be two habits that are a big no during pregnancy especially with diabetes as an already damaging condition. Nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other such dangerous things breathed through a cigarette or carried in one’s bloodstream will further disrupt the growth of the fetus. It raises the risk of failure, stillbirth, respiratory difficulties, and other such abnormalities.

Meal planning: Consult with a diabetologist to keep stable blood sugar levels and avoid low or high blood sugar problems that worsen during the pregnancy stage. Balance your carbohydrate consumption and plan a nutrition filled diet to manage blood sugar levels.

These are some of the methods to help women conceive healthily even if diabetes poses a threat.

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Dr. Ashutosh Sonawane

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Dr. Ashutosh Sonawane
Joined: October 26th, 2020
Articles Posted: 7

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