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XYO Price Prediction

The price of XYO has been in strong decline since May 2018 and many investors who bought into the XYO project were either forced to sell their initial investment at a loss or are continuing to hold through the down-turn hoping for an upswing as XYO deploys new updates.

That being said, I believe XYO to be an anomaly in the marketplace where the price of their token is moving out of the speculation phase (where much of the value in cryptocurrency lies) and moving into that of being a use-case coin. This transition is the best-case scenario for the price of XYO as when investors begin to see the value of the coin, the price will inevitably move up.

In order to provide an in depth look at the price of XYO we need to look at the factors that can not only drive the value of XYO up but what can also drive the value of XYO down.

First, let’s take a look at factors that have been driving the price down over the last 24 months.

  • Sketchy sales techniques left some early investors feeling conned or duped when they invested money both into the pre-sale of the XYO token as well as equipment which never worked as promised.
  • Users mining with the COIN app who are looking to make a quick profit have led to an over-supply of tokens which flooded the marketplace.
  • A still incomplete XYO Network has some investors concerned that completion may never actually happen.

Now some factors which are helping to drive the price of XYO up:

  • The BOSS beta has been a huge success and will lead to increased spending by advertisers. Currently the only way advertisers can acquire in-app tokens is through avenues such as utilizing HODL rewards, Geo-Claiming and mining.
  • HODL Rewards are also helping to drive the price of XYO up. Investors who are committed to collecting these rewards can gain an additional 3% APY to their COIN App account by simply collecting their HODL rewards each day.
  • Consistent upgrades to the COIN app show that the development team about continuing to release updates which spurs confidence in investors.
  • The promise of XYO World could increase the price of XYO however, we cannot make too many claims as this is entirely speculation at this point.

Taking all of this into consideration we can make some predictions for what things will be like in the short term and long-term future.

In the short term, we need to keep a close eye on the XYO World which will be released in August 2020. This release could play a big role to drive the value of XYO up however we want to air the side of caution as this is purely speculatory. Between now and then we can expect a ranging price from $0.0003 and $0.0008. Real-world factors that are already in play and in our opinion, what could be the biggest driving force are advertisers who have begun hoarding XYO to receive HODL rewards for BOSS advertising. This driving force is happening now and could is playing a role in the increase in price which we have seen over the last 30 days.

In the long term, we need to keep a close eye on where XYO takes development and the amount of rewards they are dishing out as compared to driving products that create demand. With the addition of network fees for Geo-Drops and increased demand from advertisers we could see prices continuing to increase over the next 12-24 months, however, it needs to be taken into consideration that each Geo-Drop has a certain value to advertisers and that value, because the system is still so new is still being factored into the current price of XYO.

Over time, Geo-Drops could become more and more targeted to push clicks into targeted sales channels. If this happens advertisers will likely become the biggest holder of XYO however if the XYO team allows advertisers to transfer XYO directly into the BOSS app, this will be a huge game changer.

At $0.0004 we are bullish on XYO and largely see this as a 5-10-year HOLD as the XY team continues to put release ambitious updates. This is an accumulation period for investors and in the future, there is potential that will continued adaptation of real world use for the XYO token and added interest from speculatory investors we could see the XYO token achieve a value of $0.005 per token or higher.

* Please note: We are not financial advisors or financial planners. With investing you may stand to make large profits or huge losses, please do not invest any money that you need and no more than you are willing to lose! We do hold stake in the XYO token and are bullish on this project. We have been investing in this project since May of 2019.

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