Affordable Evaluations

Affordable Evaluations

Joined: November 11th, 2020
Articles Posted: 18


Published 2 Years Ago
All You Need To Know About DOT return-to-duty process
Affordable Evaluations provides substance abuse evaluations and return to work program for DISA, DOT and other work-related violations. Get in touch with us today.

Published 3 Years Ago
What is DOT SAP Evaluation and how it Works?
Affordable Evaluations provides substance abuse evaluations and return to work program for DISA, DOT and other work-related violations. Get in touch with us today.

Published 3 Years Ago
Taking Drug and Alcohol Evaluation
People experience high levels of stress in their daily lives, due to work pressure and family. This often leads to people committing mistakes like taking alcohol or drugs. US government and various other agencies consider high and regular use of alcohol

Published 3 Years Ago
The DOT Return to Duty Process
Employees who have violated an alcohol or drug program regulation are evaluated by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) who will further make recommendations concerning joining a DOT Substance Abuse Program, the treatments, the after care and the follow

Published 3 Years Ago
DOT Mandated Drug Test
When an employee working in a company or organization where safety regulations must be followed at all times, violates the alcohol or drug test as mandated by DOT, he must undergo a Return-to-Work Program. If a person fails or is not willing to undergo

Published 3 Years Ago
SAP Evaluation and Reporting
To perform driver evaluations, an employer must present the driver in violation of a DOT drug and alcohol test with a list of Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) that have had the appropriate DOT training and obtained the required credentials. Whether, an

Published 3 Years Ago
Introduction: Dot Return to Duty Process
Disa Rehire Program could be one of the most complicated and misunderstood. Return to Duty process and Follow-up tests are types of tests that only occur after an employee has received a positive drug or alcohol test result. Read this article to make sure

Published 3 Years Ago
Understanding the Return to Work Program
What happens when you have an employee who is mandatory to take the Dot drug and alcohol test and the test comes positive? As an employer, you are legally required to remove that employee from any safety sensitivity and purpose. You can refer that

Published 3 Years Ago
What is SAP and Why Do You Need Such Evaluation?
Substance Abuse Professionals are those individuals who are certified to evaluate employees who have desecrated in Dot drug and alcohol program regulation. Moreover, who makes recommendations relating to education, treatment, follow-up testing, and

Published 3 Years Ago
Is Alcohol or Drugs Ruining Your Life?
Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Test is a Non-DUI assessment. The evaluation may be ordered by the court for various reasons that may deem it necessary to access a person’s addiction severity to substances. When it comes to an alcohol and drug

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