jagdev singh

jagdev singh

Joined: November 6th, 2017
Articles Posted: 15

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  • Sour Taste in Mouth - Sour taste in mouth may not be a big problem but it may change your eating habits. The common causes of this are- pregnancy, dry mouth, acid reflux, cancer treatments, dry mouth syndrome and infections. Sour taste in throat is caused by similar factors t


Published 6 Years Ago
Remedies for avocado intolerance
Doctors are yet to come up with a permanent remedy for food allergies. Though, there are a few steps you could undertake to reduce the chances

Published 6 Years Ago
Usefulness of LIV-52 in Jaundice
Liv 52 is regarded as a hepatoprotective herbal-mineral medicine, which is useful in the liver diseases as well as in the improvement of the liver fun

Published 6 Years Ago
Benefits of Protein Rich Food
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. These are important components of our body that provide strength and support to human body.

Published 6 Years Ago
Features of Slippery elm
Slippery Elm is associated with lots of health benefits and some of these benefits are described in the following:

Published 6 Years Ago
Facts of Sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is a popular herb whose leaves, fruits, and flowers are heavily used in making medicine.

Published 6 Years Ago
The Use Of Milk Thistle As A Herbal Home Remedy
Milk thistle herbal use as a home remedy is very facile. The flowers, seeds, and leaves of milk thistle can be utilized for alleviating various ailme

Published 6 Years Ago
Advantages of Slippery Elm
The slippery elm is involved with the incredible healing properties that have made it so much popular in helping individuals, who are associated with

Published 6 Years Ago
How Triphala is Effective in Digestion
In triphala powder, Amalaki has cooling effect that manages pitta (supports functions of the liver and immune system). Bibhitaki takes care of kapha (

Published 6 Years Ago
Uses of Shilajit is effectively used for rejuvenating a cell through the oxygen
Shilajit is effectively used for rejuvenating a cell through the oxygen drive and also it helps in driving the nutrients to the cell. It provides supp

Published 6 Years Ago
Precautions and allergies of curcuma longa
Usually, turmeric or curcuma longa does not cause any significant allergy, yet, people have complained about experiencing stomach upset, diarrhea, nau

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