Successful App startups Ideas to Be Prepared in 2021

Posted by Smith Jasson on December 10th, 2020


Google and Apple Store are full of different kinds of mobile apps. So, if you invest in a million-dollar app, a million-dollar idea will be required to stand tall amongst the crowd. No doubt, the app developing company and the hired developers play a crucial role. But the main thing which leads the game is the idea behind the app. 

If you look closely at every product you buy, you may have noticed the company’s phone number, website, email, official social media page id, and even ‘some’ companies having their own apps. Advancement in technology has resulted in small to big companies preferring their own apps.

With such dominance of mobile apps in the market, it’s necessary to create an app with a long-lasting impression. And for a startup owner like you, your idea should be the game-change-: Unique and Up to the mark! on that basis only we Eureca Apps, an established App Development Belgium firm has found "Successful App startups Ideas to Be Prepared in 2021" for you, in a format of plug and play.

Although That's Why we have carefully curated a list of apps that can take the customers to- Oh No to Woah! 

Anyways 2021 is all about experiencing the inexperienced!

1) SCAN and you CAN!

How about an app that helps you to know anything, do anything, shop anything by just Scanning?! Cool right! Well then here you go, an app that can help you search for any product online by just scanning through your mobile phone. There you get whatever you want to buy by just scanning. 

Have you pinned all your documents to a folder? Your important mark sheets, bills, contracts, etc. & you feel frustrating searching for what you need among all the other documents! Right?! Then how about an App that lets you scan your documents to the finest quality & Save it securely on your phone.

A Soft copy available anywhere and every time. 

New City, New People. A problem? Not anymore! An app that can Scan the whole city, locate out the best place to visit, suggest the best dining place, popular locations, and many more features. With the help of the app, a user will easily adapt to the new environment and may even praise you for such a brilliant idea. 

Apps based on Scanning can be a hit amongst the customers because of its easy functioning and adaptability. 

2) Augmented Reality Apps

An app that allows your thoughts to be visualized and lets you choose between various virtual decor so that you can rightly finalize the end product without regretting it later! Dreams right? 

Yes but an app based on AR can help you furnish your room by taking a picture of your space and then visualizing it with 3D models so that you get a perfect amalgamation of designs and furniture.

You can further add features that enhance the output by partnering with interior design companies or online shopping sites, so the user can directly order it. 

3) Navigate Your Way Through Apps.

Ever been to a PVR and wondered where the washroom, or the particular Screen you are supposed to go to for the movie? And you had to ask someone to guide you! What if, an app that shows the digital map of the multiplex, and then you can navigate your way with proper directions to check on the counter or waiting area. Hopefully not to the canteen!

You can also add features that help the users to navigate their designated seats in the theatre, so the owner does not have to hire a person to help the audience reach their specified place or the audience does not have to use a torch distracting everybody. 

4) Subscription Alert App

It’s a weekend, you have your friends over, your favorite team’s match is scheduled today. Your boys are all excited to binge-watch the game, you on the TV, and boom your Subscription is Over! What a Spoiler! 

What if an app that alerts you when you are in the subscription period is going to get over. This kind of app will help you keep a record of all the apps you are subscribed to. A notification can be sent to the users when their subscription package is bound to get over. One App to track all your apps information. Easy right?!

Investing in this kind of app will help users prioritize their subscriptions and bills when the due date is nearing. The app can be further enhanced with a payment option, so the end-users can directly pay through the app. 

5) Telemedicine app.

With the ongoing pandemic, an app specifically developed to help patients to connect with their clinicians is the need of the hour. The patients do not need to visit their physician as that can risk the life of both the doctor and the patient in this COVID Crisis. An app that easily lets the patient be examined can do wonders. 

Apps based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) can come to our rescue at this point. The patient can video conference the doctor and get his checkup done remotely. Doctors could even prescribe medicines, check symptoms via the chat feature. 

Even, patients in the Intensive Care Unit could be monitored via a mobile app. This feature can facilitate a reduction in virus transmission among the hospital staff and the patients. So if you are related to health care then you can come up with ideas for these kinds of apps for a better future in telemedicine.

6)  Health Care App.

How about an app that keeps track of your medical history- Blood Pressure, Diabetes, heart rate, the last time the user was diagnosed with fever, medical reports, prescribed medicines, medical appointments, your family doctor, actions to take in a medical emergency, etc.

Health Monitoring App that automatically books an appointment for your regular health diagnostic and notifies you to take medicine on the prescribed time can be a real hit among the users so they do not have to remember manually.

The app can even collaborate with Pharmacy stores, in case the regular medicines are finished, so the user can directly get it before missing out on a dose. 

7) On-Demand Apps. 

Missing out on home-cooked food while you are staying in a hostel?! So Yes! What if an app that gets you lip-smacking hot delicious home-cooked food from the nearest survival provider! You will go on any limits to do that, yes! But, With the help of an app, you can make your users get freshly prepared home cook meals.

You can feature the app with a menu depicting the list of the items the user can choose from. You can even add an option of a customized meal, so if the user does not like a particular ingredient to be added in the meal, he has the freedom to so, giving them rich home-friendly feels. 

On-Demand App Services are highly favored by customers. Even developers like us look ahead to develop more apps based on on-demand apps. Wanna book a taxi urgently, there you go! Shower in your bathroom is not working? Call out for Repair Services. Want to get the meadows mowed? Hire someone! Own an app for every necessary task.

Popular among Customers, on-demand apps can really be a good idea to develop a successful startup.

8) Pet Adoption Apps.

Statistics show that 57% of the global population owns pets. While each pet owner wants to keep the utmost care of their paw friends, what if due to some urgency the pet owner has to leave it?! There should be someone as caring and loving as you are to your pet? Indeed. 

An app that looks out for neighboring pet owners who wish to adopt, so that you do not have to worry about leaving your pet alone while going for a business tour or a vacay to the beach. 

The app will get a hold of statistics of all the pet owners in the area then it can analyze and make reports separating different breeds and species you can choose from. Anybody who wishes to adopt can drop a message or anybody who wishes to give can do the same. This will lead to a soft flow of communications between the owners.

A gift to the owners and A way to care for the pets.

9) GPS based Apps

An app that can work on GPS can do wonders for the app. You may have missed a bus or a train, just because you did not know the exact timings. The app can record changes in timings, delays, schedules, etc. You can use the GPS facility to know the status of the local public vehicle, which would help the user to adjust in real-time. 

No doubt, startup ideas can play a very crucial role in mobile app development but integrating ideas with the right developing process makes the idea 100x worth it. We hope the list has led you to find your curated mobile app idea based on the technologies available. 

You can always look forward to us for any ideas, we will make sure that your ideas are translated into reality. Our developers are well versed in developing profitable apps that work well with users with outstanding designs and technology. 

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Smith Jasson

About the Author

Smith Jasson
Joined: December 9th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1