A guide for using Continuous positive airway pressure device effortlessly

Posted by Marry Grover on December 11th, 2020

CPAP or Continuous positive airway pressure device is used for treating sleeping disorders like sleep apnea and snoring.  CPAP machine is used for treating sleep apnea specifically, it relieves the person from snoring along with other sleeping disorders. It makes sure that the airways do not collapse and a person could  have proper breathing while sleeping

 What CPAP therapy looks like

CPAP therapy is done by a machine called CPAP machine comprises of following things- 

A mask that covers your nose and mouth completely. Either nose or mouth is covered by the mask. 

A tube is connected to the mask and the CPAP machine's  motor is connected to the tube 

This motor helps in blowing air into the device.

Who is it for?

CPAP therapy is one of the most recommended treatment options for patients who have obstructive sleep apnea, in which not enough air reaches your lungs. CPAP is also used for infants who haven't developed their lungs fully. The air pressure provided by the machine in flats the lungs and helps the baby breathe properly. 

When you are advised to use a CPAP machine, you make sure that you're comfortable with the one you have. Take help from your doctor and get the settings done properly. It is the concern of every doctor that your CPAP fits you properly and the air pressure is just enough to keep your airways open.  

There are many kinds of CPAP machines and masks available in the market. Therefore, don't bear unnecessary pain if you're not comfortable with one. Your doctor can provide another mask for the same purpose. 

The adjustment process is different for every person. It is different for people, it might take months to some but some can get used to it in a two-three use. 

Why use CPAP?

However, there is a limited period in which you can be benefitted from the CPAP machine. But you can reap significant benefits in the period you're using it- 

It keeps your air pathways open while you're respiring. 

Eliminate the chances of your snoring to a large extent.

Try to have a sound sleep.

Avoid sleeping in the daytime because it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. 

A recurrent or sudden increase in the level of blood pressure. 

Side effects of CPAP therapy

Some of the most common side effects caused by a CPAP machine are mentioned below- 

Feeling claustrophobic inside the mask. 

Nasal congestion or snuggly nose

However, these side-effects can be prevented if your masks fit you properly. Nasal congestion can be prevented by wearing a mask using a humidifier infit in the CPAP device. Most of the CPAP arrive with an In fit humidifier so make sure you take full advantage of this. 

How soon will you feel the results are positive? 

You are most likely to experience the effects of this device in one or two use. Many estimations have proved that the maximum benefit could be reaped only after the use of two-three weeks. If you're still feeling drowsiness during the day, you must consult your doctor about the issues. Because there might be some underlying situation causing the persistence in the disorder. 

 List of some tips for best CPAP experience- 

Consider the tips mentioned below and you are good to go for curing your disorders soon. These tips make your procedure effortless. 

1. Test out your CPAP machine for a short period of the cycle during the daytime. 

Whether you are taking a nap in the day or trying to read a book. You should wear your mask in the daytime regularly. This might help you in curing the disease effortlessly. 

2. Use CPAP device every night 

Whether you are keeping your eyes close or getting to sleep every night you must use CPAP every day for the best results. Using CPAP every day can reduce your chances of getting affected by the disorder anytime sooner.  

Summary- Continuous positive airway pressure device is used for curing sleeping disorders like sleep apnea. There is a proper guide you must consider before undergoing CPAP therapy.

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Marry Grover

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Marry Grover
Joined: November 26th, 2020
Articles Posted: 38

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