TESO The Elder Scrolls Online in Game Zone ReviewPosted by 4esogold on May 6th, 2014 The most successful of all the role-playing game series, the "Elder Scrolls" series sold by the last part of "Skyrim" a whopping 20 million copies. Buy TESO Gold The players love the unrivaled by the competition immersion and the almost unlimited possibilities as to what you can do everything in the game world. Remain the same as popular online role playing games such as "World of Warcraft", named short and sweet with the little unwieldy acronym "MMORPG". Here are more social features and the competition between the players the selling points. Playing a role, so the immersion in the stories, which offers the gaming world, keeps on in MMORPG only. More exciting: Despite the very different designs of these two game genres, the software giant came Zenimax (mother of the actual "Elder Scrolls"-Studios, Bethesda) had the idea to an online offshoot of their house brand. And relies also on the almost anachronistic subscription model with monthly fees. Can be purchased a game account with the key distributors of your trust for about thirty euros. Much more, namely, seventy euros, Zenimax takes for the "Imperial Edition". Here you are not limited in the character choice between the factions and get a free virtual mount given. Whether one the the price difference of forty euro should be worth? Probably not. The correct term for this pricing is probably more virtual bag tailoring. In the game arrived the character creation and the entry directly from the traditional "Elder Scrolls" games come - with it all well known and popular cultures and races. And of course, with the start of the game mandatory for an "Elder Scrolls" short prison stay. After the game, the beginning of the whole gigantic continent "Tamriel" expects us to research. Respectively first time only a third of the in »Elder Scrolls Online" three big factions argue with their own quest lines to the orphaned imperial throne. The games graphics are pretty and meets great style of the original series. Landscapes and settlements seem organic and grown, not unmotivated towards clapped. It was working with a modular system, which from a few games but hours notice. Then the architecture of castles, houses and dungeons often begins to repeat. At the wonderful landscape elaborations of Skyrim or Oblivion, the game does not quite reach a total of scenery, but for the online game with probably the biggest game area at all, it is good and become consistent. Zenimax pursues a modern mega-server concept. There are only two servers at all worlds for all players worldwide. One is responsible for the U.S., one for Europe. Unfortunately, both server clusters are hosted in the U.S., which you can notice in Europe in occasional annoying delays here. Through the coming hundreds of hours of gameplay it is pulled through fantastically elaborate quests. Wonderful successful speech output for all dialogs and innumerable small, but intricate characters and stories are waiting for the player. The quality of content is great and quality is in the classic "Elder Scrolls" little after. Quite the variety of things but there is not, Schleich quests for example are hard to find. Pointless repetition, "grind", "farming" or fade "Kill and collection tasks" that define the classic MMORPG, you will not find here. Rewards, in the form of experience points and Big Bucks, you get in the first place by the resolve of the great orders. A "Levelthreadmill" does not exist! Hallelujah! The quests grab sent into each other and drag on the large-scale main stories of time. Some characters accompany an over slightly longer time, others also quite bizarre encounters remain unique. Let us put it this so simple: "Elder Scrolls Online" contains a whole library of good fantasy short stories. The easiest way you can watch the gameplay of "Elder Scrolls Online" as a co-op version of "Skyrim" imagine, complemented by highly restricted MMORPG features such as "Guild Wars 2". »Elder Scrolls Online" is clearly designed for an intense single player experience - just even to small groups of players pulling together through the country. You can expect a kind of "Elder Scrolls"-theme park, you can explore with friends. But here comes, unfortunately, at the time still a very bad blunder of "Elder Scrolls Online" to carry. The "phasing" is only optimized for single player! Even if you just want to play for two with a good friend or lovely girlfriend or wife through the stories, you will often involuntarily separated by the "phasing" and is unable to continue to come together. An absolute disgrace. How can such a design blunders happen, we can not be explained. Here Zenimax may have to manipulate quickly. Typical series you give the dashing hero in shining armor that runs from heroic task to heroic task - but along with all the other players on the same paths. So I need you to accept the fact that to meet even the most dangerous creepy dungeon dozens of sword-wielding colleagues who scour the same routes and principal. The game world is designed with great detail love the game everywhere breathes the complex word treasure of the "Elder Scrolls"-Lore. Almost every NPC has at least reciting a short statement that fits the situation. The characters react to your actions in the game world. The popular books to browse between are there again. In "ESO" you shall not manipulate each object in the world though, for collectors natures the world was cluttered with bags and boxes and searchable by minigame knackbarer treasure chests. To reward the spirit of research, the player finds throughout the country distributed sky shards. By collecting these artifacts can enhance his abilities and character comes casually past all sorts of interesting quest givers that are waiting maybe a bit away from the big cities. In short, the personal world map looks like after some time packed with tasks and interesting places. Boredom will not occur. If the player has worked through all the tasks his group, he must devote himself as so-called veteran also the quest lines of the other two factions - with increased difficulty. Now for the MMRPGO features by which this co-op Skyrim has been extended. Some standard features such as a server-wide auction house, looking in vain. The organized trading can be carried out only through guild shops, and since trade guilds are limited to a maximum of 500 members, globalization in Tamriel has held no feeder. For the forced group game, there are the usual genre instanced dungeons. For their comfortable visit there is also a group lookup. In the dungeon itself can be measured under clever use of his character options with Boßgegnern and get rewards. The instances are marked with some background stories and nice presentation. The second classical MMORPG pillars that we find in "Elder Scrolls Online": From character level ten you can check out in the middle of the continent direction can beam a white tower, and grab there your faction in PVP battles under the arms. Who's Afraid of what felt like two hundred years enjoyed the much sung Realm vs Realm PVP of MMRPGO-grandfather »Dark Age of Camelot," feels at home immediately. Each faction tried their influence on the battle map to enlarge, be taken and held in the castles and fortresses. A brief excursus on the character values: Although you have to decide at the beginning of the game for one of four classic hero archetypes such as Dragon Knights, Templars, Nightblade or magician, one is in the development of his character very clear. Thanks to a myriad of skills that you can develop, coupled with the increase of skills just by using them. And above all, the fact that armor and weapons can be equipped with powerful effects. A more flexible character system you will find in any other online role-playing game. The craft also plays a role and can be learned and developed accordingly - but more for personal use of the manufactured articles, as held for sale. Comparisons: missing globalization lack the auction house. Just like in the single player template you build you exactly the hero, whom you want to play. But you must be willing to take by change of strategy on bosses to change the weapon skills, otherwise you see in the instances and quest-top moaning no country. Brains, despite all the freedoms needed. The skill system, the first only six and later allows twelve selection buttons, indicates our opinion on the co-development of the upcoming console versions for Xbox and Playstation 4 One - the operation is clearly also designed controller. And on this console version, we are very excited. As tempting as the idea sounds, "Elder Scrolls Online" comfortable experience from the couch with the gamepad in hand, so uncomfortable likely this endeavor, if Zenimax does not allow on console addons for the game surface. On delivery this is in fact painful spartan. No minimap, no progress bar, no subtitles. By installing addons (after this Review text you get on this subject a few recommendations from us) you can make sure its surface exactly as required by the own needs. Hopefully it will give these options available on consoles, from experience with other MMORPG on the TV screen but we do not expect more of it. If there are no addons: That would speak very directly for the PC on in the game against the zone community certainly actually more popular console version. Whether carrying the subscription model again the zeitgeist selected, will depend on how quickly Zenimax can replacement delivery new content. However, these in same great quality as the initial version of the game. Slight doubt stay here, because the amount of work (alone with the localization of speech output) is not to be underestimated with certainty.READ MORE:Eso Gold Like it? Share it!More by this author |