Are you experiencing shooting stars in your vision? It is time to get it checked

Posted by joesph stephen on December 14th, 2020

Your eyes are the most sensitive parts of your body. You would manage every pain, but when it comes to any kind of irritation or blurry vision in your eyes, you would not be able to stand it even for a while. Thus, it is always said that you should look after your eyes and do your best to keep your vision clear. These days as the usage of screens has increased a lot, people have truly put their eyes under pressure. The problems such as retina and floaters in Jacksonville has increased and we have treated such kind of cases on a daily basis. These conditions should never be taken lightly and whenever you feel any irritation or sudden occurrences of flashes of light, you should reach out to the eye specialist. It may be the problem of the retina in Jacksonville.

You are already aware that the retina plays are a very important role in keeping your vision clear. Any kind of problem in the retina should be considered an emergency. Bear in mind that if you do not consider the problem and go for the check-up, it might cause you to lose your eyesight. Once the eyesight is lost, you cannot bring it back to your life. As you grow and age, the collagen-rich vitreous humor collapses. This will lead to the occurrence of floaters in the eyes. Some patients experience flashes as well. The flashes develop when the jelly-like substance comes in contact with the retina. This condition is also known as posterior vitreous detachment.

Every 1 out of 10 patients that we treat suffer from symptoms such as flashes and floaters in Jacksonville has a deeper or serious issue. The symptoms may be due to tears or holes in the retinal detachment. This condition will call for immediate medical attention. If left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision loss.

The highly myopic people are most at risk of developing such kind of retinal detachment. To get a successful vision, you should immediately contact the specialist and start treatment before it is too late. There are many symptoms of retinal detachment and the majority are due to the debris collected in the retina. A few of the notable symptoms include:

1.A person with such kind of disorder will often experience floaters or flashes of light in the visual field. The debris will lead to such floaters in Jacksonville and the shadow of such debris will be reflected in the vision.

2.The peripheral vision of the person is reduced.

3.The person experience shadow or curtail over their usual vision

Always stay aware of your retina in Jacksonville. Reach out to us if you need help.

Joesph Stephen is the author of this article. To know more about retina Jacksonville and floaters Jacksonville please visit the website.

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joesph stephen
Joined: September 17th, 2020
Articles Posted: 7

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