4 Tips For Placing An Air Purifier At Home

Posted by Alpine Air Products on December 15th, 2020

You need to use a method that complies with certain things when it comes to keeping your indoor environment clean and safe. Many factors, including the design of the house, the daily routine, and the size of the house will determine the place to install a high-quality residential air purifier. Here are some helpful tips for installing your appliance at home.

Pollutant source

When you look around, you see the buildups of smoke, mold, and mildew in the corners of the house. Places such as kitchen sink, cracked walls, fireplace, and areas of trashcans can produce odors. They have a higher concentration of pollutants that can affect your health. The air of polluted areas is likely to spread all over the places, but you cannot clean them every day because they come back. The effective way to reduce the risk of mold infestation is to place the air purifier near the spot. The appliance can also absorb the dirt and smoke coming from outside the window.

Above the ground

Unlike a mosquito repellent liquid that releases scent from the ground, an air purifier won’t catch the colder air below five feet. As you know hotter air tends to move upward, the air purifier can capture the polluted air that has vertical movement. It means you should never place the air purifier right on the ground. You should choose a stool, desk, wall, or table to install a portable appliance. It will trap pollen, dander, smoke, or the fume that flies across the room. If you are using a whole-house air purifier system, it can function from your HVAC system.

Not in the corners

A stinky smell may come from the mold formed in the corner, but the air purifier cannot follow it to the corner. If you install the appliance in the corner, it cannot reach out to the flow of the air. The two sides of the wall will block the air from passing through the purifier. You have to place it in front of the wall to make it effective. This arrangement will help your appliance perform better.

Avoid high humidity

You badly want to remove the fume from the kitchen and bathroom. However, these rooms will need an exhaust fan and vent hood to suck out the humidity to the outside area. An air purifier cannot disperse the thick concentration of fume. The steamy air can also reduce the capacity of the filter system inside the appliance, which can result in equipment breakdown. Bedrooms and living rooms are good places to place the air purifier.

When you decide to buy online residential air purification systems, consult the technicians at the appliance store. They will help you find the most suitable product for your environment.

Author's Bio - The writer is an avid online blogger. This article is about residential air purifier.

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Alpine Air Products

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Alpine Air Products
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