Diablo 4 Requires Another Melee Class; Here's What It Can Be
Posted by Megaomgchen on December 16th, 2020
With no launch window at sight, it'll be Diablo Gold a long time until players can dive into Diablo 4 darkened world of Sanctuary, however, Blizzard has already released a trove of tantalizing information about the title's quarterly development site. So far, the Barbarian, Druid, and Sorceress have been verified, leaving an intriguing opening for one more melee fighter to occupy.
Diablo 4 was announced just over one year ago, eight and a half a year after the launch of Diablo 3, which had five initial classes to choose from; one faded alternative, two melee fighters, and 2 spell-casters. Seeing how Diablo 2 presented players with a similar breakdown, it appears likely that Diablo 4 will follow suit. And because two magical users have already been revealed, a melee fighter looks like a secure next bet. While there is a massive variety of close-range winners to choose from, some courses are more likely to appear in Diablo 4 than others, and you can find a clearer idea of what is on the table by simply considering what's come before and analyzing a few broad fantasy archetypes.
The most iconic of all melee classes in fantasy is a guy or gal in gleaming metal armor. Stylistically, these personalities are more elegant than barbarians, whose signature appeal is enraged bloodlust. This category runs the gamut from conventional, Dungeons & Dragons-style sword and plank fighters to sacred warriors like Diablo 3's Crusader or Diablo 2's Paladin.
Taking damage so as to heal allies or fuel other skills would result in an enjoyable mechanic having an interesting risk-reward dynamic: the further harm taken, the more powerful the player's healing potential. Admittedly, including a dedicated healing class to Diablo 4 would include pros and cons, but a melee-based caster and healer would stand out among more comfortable ARPG classes.
There are different variations on the hulking, armored tank archetype, for example gadget-assisted fighters, though those kinds of personalities usually rely on components of steampunk that are more at home in the Torchlight series and are incredibly unlikely to buy Diablo IV Gold appear on the Diablo 4's list of possible classes.