Benefits of Microneedling for Face Treatment

Posted by acupunctureoceanside on December 16th, 2020

Microneedling is a very popular fashionable skin care technique that involves rolling a pen or wand firmly attached with mini needles to make tiny wounds. These wounds are extremely small and skin-deep only to which the body responds with alarm and send healing factors, which promote strength, glow and health. After just one treatment, your skin will glow and continue to promote the look of your complexion for months to come. Here we discuss the major benefits of microneedling face treatment.

Lessens wrinkles and lines

Small injuries from microneedling promote collagen and elastin production that fights wrinkles and lines. Collagen and elastin compounds add structure and strength and lend you a youthful appearance. Wound healing mechanisms also encourage your body to create new skin cells, makes fine lines, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet less visible.

Treats scars

Microneedling encourages collagen and elastin production, which is highly effective in treating acne and other scars on the skin.

Treats sun damage

This technique is found to be highly effective in decreasing sun damage, especially hyper-pigmentation and age spots. Persons with a blotchy and brownish complexion will find microneedling an effective way to create new collagen and skin cells and thereby reinvigorate your look and even out skin tone.

Best anti-aging treatment

Microneedling can change the look of aging skin and bring back the lustrous glow. It stimulates collagen growth and that enhances skin structure to fight sagging.

Shrinks pores

Though microneedling includes punching holes in the skin, it does not elevate the size of pores. It helps the pores to look much smaller. When the collagen around the pores are aroused, the area around the pores plump and that will make the pore itself disappear.

More effectiveness for topical treatments

Post-microneedling is the best time to go for topical treatments to increase skin health and appearance. Tiny holes receive serums, creams, and gels more readily and provide them deeper into your dermis than when applied regularly.

Reduces Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that includes ruddiness and skin thickening and microneedling address the condition the best possible manner. microneedling arouses the development of collagen to offset and replace the hastened breakdown of collagen. Hence, the skin looks less irritated and inflamed.

Fights stretch marks

Microneedling is effective in decreasing the look of stretch marks that appear after pregnancy.

Fewer side effects than laser or intensive peels

Though microneedling effects can be compared to laser and chemical peel treatments, it does not cause long downtime. You will enjoy a radiant complexion 24-72 hours after microneedling, but with laser or other chemical treatment, your recovery will take 3-10 days.

Choose the best clinic for microneedling treatments and enjoy the results at the fullest.


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