Do I Need A Fire Alarm System?

Posted by Janet @ Alba on December 16th, 2020

The answer is yes!

In Scotland, we have very stringent fire safety regulations that are in place to help reduce injury and death caused by fire. New, tighter regulations are due to come into force in February 2021.  It will be the property owner’s responsibility to meet the new standard, however, the legal duty to enforce the standard rests with local authorities.

Fire Alarm Rules for Homeowners in Scotland

Since February 2019 the law in Scotland states that all homes must have a smoke detection alarm.  The rules were tightened up after the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in London. The rules are in place to help prevent injury, loss of life and damage to property.

What Are The Fire Alarm Rules for Homes in Scotland?

Every domestic property must have:

  • 1 smoke alarm installed in the most frequently used daytime living room.
  • 1 smoke alarm in each circulation space on each storey. In other words, in the hall or landing of each floor.
  • 1 heat alarm in every kitchen.

It is no longer acceptable just to stick a battery-operated alarm on the ceiling of each room as detailed above as they must all be interlinked.  This means that if a fire starts in the kitchen when you are asleep upstairs, the alarm nearest your room will also be triggered to warn you.

Safe Simple Secure in Edinburgh is BAFE Accredited to design, install and maintain the best smoke alarm systems for your home.  This can even be connected to your alarm system.  Their fire detection systems can be monitored so that if a fire does break out the fire services will be notified directly.

Fire Alarm Rules for Landlords and Tenants

The rules for rented properties are exactly the same as those documented above for homeowners.

It is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure their properties meet the required standards.

The landlord should also ensure that smoke and heat detectors are regularly maintained.

Fire Detection Rules for Commercial Premises in Scotland

Every business owner must ensure their premises are safe for staff and customers.  Fire safety is extremely important to protect the lives of your staff and customers but also your assets and livelihood.

Scottish Building Standards state:

‘Every building must be designed and constructed in such a way that in the event of an outbreak of fire within the building, the occupants are alerted to the outbreak of fire’.

The Scottish Government provides detailed Fire Safety Regulations for all types of commercial premises.  For instance, a 1 storey office where everyone can practice fire evacuation procedures will require a different system than a venue such as a pub or night club that can be highly populated with visitors that won’t be familiar with all the fire escape routes. Residential businesses such as Care Homes will have other considerations that must be met in a suitable fire detection system.

Safe Simple Secure's experienced team can design and install a fire alarm system for your business that meets all Scottish Government Regulations for your building and commercial use. They are BAFE Accredited for the design and installation of fire detection systems and our systems will also meet British Standards BS5839 (Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings).   

Along with an effective fire alarm system to warn everybody in the building, their design can also include direct alerting to the fire service.

To ensure this system is kept in good working order at all times they offer service and maintenance contracts.

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Janet @ Alba

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Janet @ Alba
Joined: August 28th, 2018
Articles Posted: 21

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